Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.
Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. 1-3002
German philosopher, cultural critic, poet, composer, linguist and researcher of Latin and Greek. His work has had a profound influence on Western philosophy and the history of modern thought.
He began his career studying classical philology, before turning to philosophy. At the age of twenty-four, he became Professor of Language at the University of Basel in 1869. He resigned in 1879 due to health problems that plagued him for most of his life, and spent the next decade writing his most important books. In 1889, at the age of forty-four, he suffered a collapse and lost all of his mental faculties. He lived his final years in the care of his mother and sister, until he died in 1900.
He was one of the most prominent initiators of psychology and a distinguished linguist. He wrote critical texts and books on religion, ethics, utilitarianism, contemporary philosophy, materialism, and German idealism. He wrote about German romanticism and modernity as well, in a brilliant German language. He is considered one of the most popular and circulated philosophers among readers.
He believes that the morals of most people are affected by beauty...for example:
Most people, when they see a car running over a cockroach, will not be affected.
They will not sympathize with a cockroach, but they will certainly sympathize with a colorful bird or a cat that is run over by a car.
Also among the oddities of the human psyche, you may find a tender-hearted woman who sympathizes with a hungry dog and feeds him a piece of meat from the body of another animal that was killed. She sympathizes with the dog, but does not sympathize with the killed animal.
The human soul is very complex, and understanding it may be as difficult as understanding the entire universe.

Source: websites