An interesting dialogue between Nietzsche and Newton
An interesting dialogue between Nietzsche and Newton 1-751
?Nietzsche: Where could this damned book be
?Newton: Are you looking for something, sir
Nietzsche: Yes, a book on ethics. I want to see what those ancient philosophers said about willpower.
Newton: Morals? Don't you think there are more important things to investigate, such as the laws of nature that govern the universe?
Nietzsche: (laughs) Laws of nature! What use are these laws if we do not have the will to interpret and use them? Man is not just a cog in a cosmic machine, Newton. He is a free being capable of transcending his limits.
Newton: Free? Don't you see that we are all bound by the laws of physics and mathematics? Every action has a reaction, and every movement is governed by a force.
Nietzsche: You are talking about the world of matter, Newton. But ?what about the spirit world? The world of will, desire and power This is the real world that makes history and pushes man to develop.
Newton: Soul? I don't think science can prove that such a thing exists. All we can study is matter and its movement.
Nietzsche: Science, Newton, is just a tool. A powerful tool, yes, but it is not the absolute truth. There are truths that go beyond the limits of science, truths that lie in the depths of the human soul.
NEWTON: (shaking his head) I think we look at the world in two very different ways.
?Nietzsche: Maybe. But that difference is what makes life interesting, isn't it
(Newton smiles and looks at Nietzsche with admiration)
Newton: Maybe you're right.

Source: websites