Foods that help reduce the risk of depression
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Researchers say high levels of micronutrients, such as vitamin C, carotenoids, and flavonoids, have been shown to reduce oxidative stress and prevent inflammation.
According to a new study, eating a large amount of fruit reduces the risk of depression later in life, as reported by the newspaper "Russia Today".
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The 20-year study, involving more than 13,000 participants, showed that higher fruit consumption was associated with a lower likelihood of developing symptoms of depression in old age.
Scientists say that eating at least three servings of fruit a day in middle age reduces the risk of developing depression associated with age by at least 21% compared to eating one serving or less a day.
Doctors around the world have noted an increased prevalence of depressive symptoms among older adults, including feelings of depression, decreased pleasure, and delayed cognitive processing, which are often accompanied by loss of appetite, insomnia, poor concentration, and increased fatigue with age.
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They say it is linked to underlying neurodegenerative changes in the brain.
The quest to keep older adults healthy has led to extensive research into methods that can prevent depression later in life.
Accumulating evidence has revealed a plausible role for nutritional factors in protecting against depression in old age.
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The new research, conducted by the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at the National University of Singapore, included 13,738 participants from the Singapore Chinese Health Study, which followed participants from middle to late life over about 20 years.
The research team found that participants who ate more fruit early in life were less likely to experience symptoms of depression later in life.
The researchers studied a total of 14 fruits commonly eaten in Singapore and found that consumption of most fruits, including oranges, tangerines, bananas, papaya, watermelon, apples and honeydew melon, was associated with a lower likelihood of depression.
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Researchers say the fruit's high levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory micronutrients, such as vitamin C, carotenoids and flavonoids, which have been shown to reduce oxidative stress and prevent inflammatory processes in the body, may influence the development of depression.
Vegetable consumption was found to be unrelated to the likelihood of developing depressive symptoms. The researchers say their findings provide “valuable insights” into the potential benefits of eating enough fruit in alleviating symptoms of depression later in life.

“Our study highlights the importance of fruit consumption as a protective measure against age-related depression,” said lead researcher Professor Koh Woon Puay, from the National University of Singapore’s Faculty of Medicine. “In our study group, participants who consumed at least three servings of fruit per day, compared with those who consumed less than one serving per day, were able to significantly reduce the risk of age-related depression by at least 21%.”

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