Einstein in Japan
Einstein in Japan 1--334
The scientist Einstein traveled to Japan in 1922 at the time when it was announced that he had won the Nobel Prize in Physics.
At the hotel, he did not have any money to give to the servant who brought the tea, so he grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a sentence on it, then signed it, then gave it to the servant and advised him to keep it.
After 95 years, on October 24, 2017, one of the nephews of that hotel worker called the auction house to put the paper up for auction.
The auction started with the first buyer ($2,000) and after 25 minutes, the auction stopped at ($1.3 million).
Now, let's see what Einstein wrote in that paper:
*A quiet and humble life brings greater happiness than striving for success accompanied by constant fatigue*
Let us now move to our Arab world!!!
In the year 1958, the President of the University of Baghdad, Professor Abdul-Jabbar Abdullah, was one of four students who studied under the scientist Einstein at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States.
When a coup took place against the authority of Abdul Karim Qasim (1963), the Iraqi physicist, a student of Einstein, was arrested, among those arrested were cadres, politicians, professors, and military personnel.
When he was released, he immigrated to the United States and became a professor at the same institute, and President Harry Truman awarded him the highest honor in America [the World Medal].
One of his cellmates knew him well. He said that he used to watch him immersed in his thoughts, and his tears would sometimes fall.
One day he dared to ask him why he was crying, and the great scholar replied:
When the National Guard came to arrest me, one of them slapped me and made me fall to the ground. Then he searched my pockets and stole what I had and took the fountain pen that Albert Einstein had given me on the day I obtained my doctorate, which he signed with it.
It was a beautiful ruby red pen, and I only used this pen to sign the doctoral certificates of my students at the University of Baghdad.
This world fell silent for a while. Then he said :
The slap and the humiliating arrest did not hurt me. What hurt me was that the one who slapped me was one of my students!!!
This is what Professor (Abdul Jabbar Abdullah) said,,,, Einstein says:
2% of people think
3% of people think they think
95% of people would rather die than think...
The Japanese servant honored Einstein and kept the clipping for his grandchildren, while the men of authority in our so-called Arab nation insulted Einstein, Iraq and the Arabs, and broke Einstein’s pen!!!
Not only in Iraq, but in the entire Arab world, they destroyed science, scholars, and education, and were concerned with creating a generation obsessed with singing, football, and entertainment that does not gain fat, does not enrich, and does not help except in the collapse of the nation.

Source: websites