What was hidden was greater
What was hidden was greater 12747
Forbidden history
?Where did the Mayans and Aztecs come from
The lost civilization of Lamora
"First of all, did you know? Charles-Étienne Brasseur de Bourbourg (1814 - 1874) was a Flemish abbot in the 19th century. In addition to his writing career, the French abbot is world-famous for his important contributions to the knowledge of the peoples of Central America. In fact, Charles-Étienne Brasseur was also a writer A famous ethnographer and archaeologist specializing in the study of the Maya and Aztec civilizations...according to the researcher, the Maya remembered their homeland as a “continent located in the Pacific Ocean.” Which later sank, they called this continent “Land of Mu.”
Search inside the page for the post The Lost Civilization of Lamuria ... A few years ago, this was thought to be a myth but the arrival of satellites has proven all this to be true. In fact, present-day Indonesia and Australia are the “remnants” of a much larger continent, which scientists call “Sondaland” “This continent, located in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, partially sank 14 thousand years ago when the level of the Pacific Ocean rose by about 140 meters. ...How did the Maya people know about the "sunken continent" in the Pacific Ocean? Is this an incredible coincidence? Or did your ancestors really come from Sandaland? ...Again if we listen to science and not our biases then the Maya would be absolutely right Their ancestors came from Sundaland. How are we safe? According to Kenneth M. Olsen, a biologist who specializes in plant evolution at Washington University in St. Louis, we have compelling evidence that sailors from the Sundaland and Saholland regions traveled to Panama in Central America in pre-Columbian times. “The living proof” is the existence of coconuts in America. He discovered this. The researcher states that all coconut trees, wherever they are found in the world, come from India or the ancient Sundaland region. Furthermore, the professor explains that the coconut tree, at least when it comes to long distances, does not migrate naturally, unlike the seeds of other plants, and in its case, humans must transport it to areas If the coconut tree reached Central America in pre-Columbian times, it would have been farther away to take root there. This means that sailors from the Sundaland region reached America before Christopher Columbus and cultivated it.

Source of the article in the book:
The hidden history of the last 75,000 years.