“What was hidden was greater.”
“What was hidden was greater.” 1---740
There is another side to the story
John Jacob Astor IV was a wealthy American businessman, inventor, writer, and military man. Astor inherited a huge financial fortune from his family and is also the owner of the Waldorf Astoria Inn in New York, USA.
“When the Titanic sank, millionaire John Jacob Astor IV was on board. The money in his bank account was enough to build 30 Titanic ships. However, in the face of mortal danger, he chose what he considered morally right and gave up his place in a lifeboat to save two frightened children,” said millionaire Isidore Strauss. , co-owner of the largest American department store chain "Macy's" Who was also on the Titanic: “I will never enter the lifeboat before other men.” His wife, Ida Strauss, also refused to board the lifeboat and gave her place to her newly appointed maid, Ellen Bird, and decided to spend the last moments of her life with her husband. These wealthy people preferred to give away their wealth. And even about their lives, instead of giving up their moral principles. Their choice in favor of moral values highlighted the brilliance of human civilization and human nature at that time.
In 1912, Madeleine became pregnant, so Astor decided to return to the United States of America with Madeleine, and Astor and his wife boarded the Titanic in order to return to the United States.
On the night between April 14 and 15, 1912, the Titanic collided with an iceberg, causing it to sink and killing 1,517 passengers, including John Jacob Astor IV, survived by his wife Madeleine.

Source: websites