«The name of Iraq in all historical eras»
«The name of Iraq in all historical eras» 1---132
First: “a boy or a talker”
The era is the dawn of the kingdoms or the era of the Sumerian city-states (Kalam or Qalam), linguists and historians that this name may be close to the word (Qalim or Kalim) in Arabic, as it is (Kalam or Qalam) in Sumerian and (Klim or Qalim) in Arabic, and this name was invented by the king ( Lucal Zakizi) after they formed for the first time in history a single Sumerian state that included most of present-day Iraq and included many cities in Mesopotamia. He did not call him Sumer, nor did the name Sumer exist. He was the last king at the end of the dawn of the Third Dynasties.
The term that was used during the reign of King (Lukal Zakizi) is (Lukal Glam), which means (King of the country, King of the plain, or King of the region).
Second: “Shomerim or Shomer or Sumer”
“Academic, academic, or academic.”
In the texts of the ancient Babylonian era, this title appears in Sumerian (Lukal.K.E.N.G.K.Ur). The king of Sumer and Akkad used it, and the king of Uruk (Utu-Hikal) used it. Then it was used by the (Third Dynasty of Ur), the second empire in Mesopotamia after (the Medina dynasty). Acad)
It is written in syllabary in Akkadian (Mat.shu.mi.re.im.and.ak.ka.dem.) The countries of Sumer and Akkad. It should be noted that it was never written in the form of the countries of Sumer and Akkad and was implicitly indicating one country.
The same title continued in the texts of the Middle Babylonian era, and it is noted in them that if Sumer is mentioned, it is associated with Akkad, that is, the word Sumer does not occur except as part of the name (the country of Sumer and Akkad).
Thus, the name (Sumer and Akkad) appeared in history for the first time
Third: “Uruk or Larak”
It is a Sumerian city located in southern Mesopotamia, and there is no need for a definition of Uruk or Larak. It is the closest analogy to the word (Iraq, or in the Latin or English pronunciation, Arak).
Fourth: “Irakh or Irakh”
In fact, the word (arkh) means the moon, that is, the moon god who used to calculate time only. This name is a significant and very important point for the derivation of the name Iraq, considering that it has no relation to the calendar, no relation to history, and no relationship to the moon. From the word (arkh) the word history is derived. The name Iraq may be related to it. By name (Arkh).
Fifth: “Babylon or Babylonia, the land of Shinar, and the Garden of Eden.”
1- The comprehensive name for Iraq in the Babylonian period was the name (Babylon), so all of Iraq was called (Babylon), especially among the Western Greeks and Romans.
The name means (Babylon -> the house of God or the house of God)
2- It was also called by the Bible or by the Jews (the land of Shinar) and also (the Garden of Eden or the Garden of Aidan)
Sixth: “Arika”
A very important name that appeared in the Babylonian period is the name (Ariqa), and in fact it has a relationship as well. Note the roots (from Larak to Uruk to Arakh to Ariqa), all of which are names that suggest the name of Iraq.
(Ariqa) appeared during the time of the Babylonian Gash era. It is considered the third dynasty of Babylon and the name continued for about four centuries
The researcher (Olmsted) believes that this name is the root of the name Iraq
Seventh: “See you”
The Sumerians used to call this one of the names of the underworld, “Araki.”
(Araki) means the house of tears or the house of sorrows, and this name was given as a sign of sadness for (Dumuzi or Demuzi) going to the underworld, because people used to mourn him in grief after his departure to the underworld.
It may be a suitable name to derive the name Iraq from Araki
Eighth: “Assyria”
Name: Iraq, Assyrian period
The name is derived from the national god of the Assyrians, which is (the Assyrian god). He is the weather god and the owner of the horizontal solar wing. In his composition, he combines the two qualities (air and fire) together.
We may have the heavenly bull or what corresponds to the name (Ishtar)
Assyria is somewhat close to the name (Ashtar or Ishtar). It seems to be a feminine form of it, and this is more accurate.
Ashur in the end (Earth Fire), which is the same meaning as Ishtar
If there is no clear name here that indicates the direct derivation of the word Iraq in the time of the Assyrians, now Assyria is the one that dominated at this stage.
Ninth: “The House of the Two Rivers or Between the Two Rivers”
At this stage, the comprehensive name for Iraq appeared, which is (Between the Two Rivers). It was one of the very largest kingdoms among the Arameans. It was actually located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers from north to south, and it was called (the House of the Two Rivers, and it is also called Between the Two Rivers).
This name is what the Greeks later translated into the name (Mospotaima), meaning (Between the Two Rivers). The name was not invented by the Greeks.
It is a translation of the Aramaic name (Between the Two Rivers) after the name of the large Aramaic kingdom (Between the Two Rivers or Mesopotamia) that extended from the north of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers to the south of the Tigris and Euphrates.
This is an important point that many people ignore or even ignore
Tenth: “Epipotaema and Mospotaema”
As we mentioned previously, in the Greek period it was called (Mosopotaima), which is a translation of the name that was given in the Aramaic period as (Between the Two Rivers).
They also gave the name (Epipotaema) in the Greek period. It is the land around the two rivers so that they include all of Iraq. In fact, Iraq is (Epipotaima), which is east of the Tigris and west of the Euphrates, and also (Muziotama), meaning current Iraq as we know it.
Ordinary Ten: “Iraq, the Land of Blackness, the Jazira Mesopotamia, the Jazira Desert, the Arab Iraq between the two rivers, and the non-Arab Iraq.”
1: During the Islamic period, Iraq was called (Iraq), which means in Arabic (the beach, meaning the shore of the Tigris and Euphrates).
This is also a weak opinion because the name has been around since before this period
2: It was also called (the land of blackness) because of the fertility of the land and the density of palm trees, and it appeared to be a black land because of the density of palm trees.
3- Iraq was also called (Mesopotamia), the northern part
4- And also (Al-Jazeera Desert), the part west of the Euphrates
5- And also (Arab Iraq, Mesopotamia), the part starting from Baghdad down to the Arabian Gulf.
6- Also (Arab Iraq) is eastern Iraq

Source: websites