A collection of the most important, rare and amazing archaeological discoveries in the world and from different eras
A collection of the most important, rare and amazing archaeological discoveries in the world and from different eras 14-30
Rare and important archaeological discoveries of all times
The past can be shocking or even wonderful, prosperous and advanced beyond the imagination of the modern human mind. Archeology can still surprise us, by discovering and extracting things from the earth that change our concept of the past. Humanity has always been fascinated by the past and interested in ancient civilizations and archaeological discoveries.
Here is a list of the most important, rare and unique archaeological discoveries in history and throughout the ages and from various parts of the earth.
1 - Gobekli Tepe:
Gobekli Tepe revolutionized the way archaeologists saw the past. Located on a hill in Turkey, Gobekli Tepe is the oldest monumental human structure in the world. The site contains large upright stones and intricate animal carvings.
A collection of the most important, rare and amazing archaeological discoveries in the world and from different eras 14-31
Gobekli Tepe, the oldest human building / Türkiye
Although at first glance it may look like just a collection of rocks, this ancient settlement that was discovered in 1994 was built nearly 9,000 years ago and is currently one of the oldest examples of complex/monumental architecture in the world, predating the pyramids. For thousands of years.
Some believe the site was built up to 12,000 years ago, and stone lifting such as that seen at Gobekli Tepe needs to be discovered. Clearly, humans came together to form complex societies much earlier than we thought.
2- Rosetta Stone:
The Rosetta Stone stela is a stone tablet, found in ancient Egypt in 1799 in Rosetta. It is a stone made of barlet and has a height of 113 cm. The writings were engraved on the Rosetta Stone in the era of Ptolemy V, where a team of French archaeologists led by Champollion was able to discover and decipher the talismans. The Rosetta Stone, which was written in three languages. The modern era of treasure hunting and Egyptology began after the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, whose discovery helped decipher the hieroglyphs of the ancient Egyptian language.
A collection of the most important, rare and amazing archaeological discoveries in the world and from different eras 14--25
Rosetta Stone
The stone dates back nearly 2,000 years and the Rosetta Stone came in ancient Greek and hieroglyphic illustrations as well as Demotic. Today it is in the British Museum, and the discovery of the Rosetta Stone helped understand one of the most ancient civilizations that arose on planet Earth and laid the foundations for the emergence of Egyptology.
3- Pompeii:
The wrath of Mount Vesuvius buried the ancient Roman city of Pompeii in 79 AD. The volcanic eruption was so furious that it turned the people of the city into concrete corpses due to the transgressions and misdeeds committed by the people of the city. The damage was so severe and complete that over time the memories of the city were erased from public existence, just like the city itself. Giuseppe Fiorelli discovered Pompeii. It is believed that the Roman city of Pompeii is the source of depraved sexual deviations in the world.
4 - Altamira Cave:
Thanks to the discovery of the dazzling art of some caves in ancient times, which gave dazzling impressions of the artistic capabilities of the early human race.
Archaeologist Marcelino Sanz de Sautola continued. Discovering the Cave of Altamira, where Hunter Modesto Perez discovered it for the first time, prompted Sautola to begin exploring caves that were known to a limited extent. Altamira Cave was local to the ancient art preserved inside it. His nine-year-old daughter, Maria, drew his attention to the ceiling of the caves, which were filled with art. Incredibly mature for a group of animals, the discovery has led to widespread controversial debates with popular historians dismissing the work as too advanced for prehistoric humans.
A collection of the most important, rare and amazing archaeological discoveries in the world and from different eras 14--10
Altamira Cave
Over the course of nearly two decades of modern inspection and later validation of the caves, the Altamira Caves have been certified as true Paleolithic art, shattering misconceptions about the limited abilities of prehistoric artists forever. The Altamira Cave is considered one of the Twelve Treasures of Spain. .
5 - Tutankhamun:
“At first I couldn't see anything, the hot air coming out of the room causing the flicker of the candle flame to go out, but as my eyes got used to the light, the details of the interior of the room slowly came into view, the strange animals, the statues, the glint of gold everywhere. These were the words. Howard Carter - The man who discovered the tomb of King Tutankhamun . Howard Carter's words summarize the importance and greatness of the discovery of Tomb 62, one of the greatest and most important tombs of kings in history.
6- Antikythera Mechanism:
The Antikathera mechanism was found among the wreckage of one of the sunken ships near the Greek island of Antikathera in 1901 AD. The mechanism caught the attention of divers among all the usual shipwrecks of bottles, coins and statues, because it seemed to be one of the strangest antiques that had never been found like it before. Today it is considered This mechanism is often the core of most modern computers.
A collection of the most important, rare and amazing archaeological discoveries in the world and from different eras 14---12
Antikathera Ale, Greece
Antikythera is a machine dedicated to predicting eclipses, astronomical positions, and the celestial movements of the stars and planets with amazing accuracy. It is one of the first devices designed to understand and study astronomy and science in history. It was designed by Greek scientists. It is believed that the history of the design of the first mechanical device dates back to approximately 100-150 years. The year BC, and the discovery certainly astonished scientists who realized the extent of the progress of Greek engineering civilization in an amazing and unexpected way for pre-Christian times. It was believed that such advanced and precisely manufactured devices did not exist, and they are displayed in the National Museum in Athens in Greece.
7 - Terracotta Army in Xi’an:
The Terracotta Army was discovered in March 1974, one of the strangest archaeological sites in the world and China. The site includes the funerary army of Qin Shi Huang, the first Chinese emperor 209-210 BC. The tomb is a huge group of eight thousand soldiers, of normal size, and each of them weighs approximately 135 pounds. kg, in addition to thousands of workers and the cemetery includes more than a hundred distinctive chariots and horses, and many officials as one of the largest man-made sites and a tribute to one of the most influential historical figures in China.
A collection of the most important, rare and amazing archaeological discoveries in the world and from different eras 14---16
Qin Shi Huang's army in Chan China
A group of farmers discovered the site, but much remains buried. The site is part of an entire necropolis built around what is believed to be the auspicious site of an emperor's tomb. Nearly 700,000 workers participated in the construction of the majestic tomb of Chinese Emperor Qin Shi Huang.
8- New Raba:
A collection of the most important, rare and amazing archaeological discoveries in the world and from different eras 14----10
Rapa Nui, Chile Pacific
Popularly known as Easter Island, or Easter Island, it is one of the most isolated places in the world, thousands of miles off the Chilean coast in the South Pacific. However, the most puzzling thing about the island is not the fact that humans managed to find and settle it, but that they then proceeded to build massive stone headlands around the island.
9 - Staffordshire Treasure:
In July 2009, the Hammerwich village site in Lichfield, Staffordshire (UK) became the latest addition to recent significant archaeological sites. The site contains the largest collection of gold, silver and metals from the Anglo-Saxon period of the 7th and 8th centuries.
A collection of the most important, rare and amazing archaeological discoveries in the world and from different eras 14----11
Kingdom of Mercia
The Kingdom of Mercia, to which these precious objects are attributed, supposedly buried their owners in times of danger, with the intention of returning to them as soon as times were favourable. The Kingdom of Mercia, which was ruled by King Offa Rex, one of the most famous and most prestigious rulers of the British Peninsula. During his reign, metal money worth a dinar was minted and on it was written: There is no god but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
10 - Troy:
Until the nineteenth century, almost every educated person would say that Troy—the city at the center of the Iliad and the Odyssey—was purely mythical.
People in the ancient world believed that the city of Troy, as well as the Trojan War, was entirely historical or just a myth. But it was not until 1871 that the physical remains of Troy were discovered in Hisarlik, Turkey, by Heinrich Schliemann, who followed textual evidence in Homer's epics and other ancient references to find the city.
A collection of the most important, rare and amazing archaeological discoveries in the world and from different eras 14----11
The city of Troy in Türkiye
Modern archaeologists have found that Schliemann's excavation methods were destructive - but they were the best at the time. Although he was not interested in excavating different layers of history, Schliemann discovered a large cache of treasures within the great walls of the city. Troy or Troy is one of the most famous cities and the wars that took place around it in history.

Source: websites