10pieces of evidence that prove that the Earth is not flat!
10pieces of evidence that prove that the Earth is not flat 12750
We have reached the twenty-first century and there are still those who claim that the Earth is not spherical but rather flat, and the saddening thing is that there is their own association that promotes this nonsense!
This association was founded by the Englishman Samuel Shenton in 1965. It is currently headed by Daniel Shenton - according to his identification card on the association’s website - he travels around the world for the purpose of spreading the truth about the flat Earth!
The Earth is spherical, not flat! Here are ten pieces of evidence to counter this myth:
1- Lunar eclipse.
After humanity knew, inevitably, that the moon is not just a piece of cheese, they were able to explain the phenomena that accompany it from its monthly cycle around our planet to its eclipse.
These phenomena seemed strange to the Greeks, which prompted them to seek to understand them and they made some insightful observations that led humanity to the true shape of the Earth, which is spherical!
Aristotle, who provided many pieces of evidence proving that the Earth is spherical, noted that the Earth's shadows on the Moon during the eclipse period (the period in which the Earth's orbit lies between the Sun and the Moon) are circular in shape, which proves the Earth's spherical shape.
2-What do ships look like?
If you were near a seaport recently, and noticed the shape of ships coming from the distance, the ship will appear as if it is emerging from the sea. The reason behind this is that the Earth is spherical.
To bring the picture closer, you can imagine an ant walking on the surface of an orange, which will gradually appear from the horizon.
This is because of the spherical surface of the orange.
3- Astrological signs and stars.
Aristotle again! Who declared that the Earth is spherical based on his observation of the presence of different astronomical constellations while he was away from the equator, as he noticed during his return from Egypt that there are stars that can be seen in the skies of Egypt and Cyprus that cannot be seen from the northern regions. This is normal if the person looking at the sky is moving on a spherical Earth.
4- Sticks and shadows.
What happens if you stick a stick in sticky ground? You will simply see her shadow.
This shadow will move over time, which cannot happen if the Earth is flat, as this shadow will always appear in place and at the same length!
5- Wider viewing range from above!
You are standing on a flat plateau and you use your eyes to look at the farthest point. Then you try to use your binoculars and start staring through them. Then you decide to climb a tree around you. Suddenly the range of vision will expand because you are now looking from a higher height. This is certainly the reason for the curvature of the Earth. If it were flat, Your range of vision will be the same from all heights.
6- Boarding the plane.
If you have traveled on a relatively long trip outside your country, you may have noticed two important facts:
First: The plane can fly in a straight line for a very long time without causing it to fall from any edge of the ground, and it can even circle the ground without stopping.
Second: If you were on a plane crossing the Atlantic Ocean and looked out the window, you would be able to notice the curvature of the Earth at the horizon most of the time.
7-What about other planets?
Earth is different from other planets, that's for sure. However, there are many common characteristics between all the planets, and it would be more logical for us to consider the Earth's similarity to the rest of the planets in those characteristics.
All that scientists have achieved clearly indicates that the planets are spherical in shape. This stems from our understanding of the mechanism by which the planets were formed, which enabled us to understand the reasons that made them take this shape and not any other. We still do not have any justifiable reason why planet Earth is different from all of them, as our planet is definitely spherical.
8- Different time ranges.
It may now be daytime in your country and night in your friend's country, which is not possible Unless the Earth is spherical and rotates around its axis.
In the same context, let us imagine that the sun is a spot of light that is shined directly on one spot only. If the Earth were flat, we would see the sun all the time even if it was not directly above us.
Thus, the only way to create different time zones where there is complete darkness in one place and bright sunlight in another is for the Earth to be spherical.
9- Pictures taken from space!
During the past sixty years during humanity's journey to explore space, many satellites, probes, and astronauts have been launched, which have enabled us to obtain many exceptional images. In all of them, the Earth appears spherical in shape.
The curvature of the Earth appears clearly in many pictures taken from aboard the International Space Station. You can see an example of it from the Instagram account of International Space Station Commander Scott Kelly!
10- Gravity effect:
Mass attracts things; The force of attraction between two bodies depends on their mass and the distance between them.
Simply, Gravity pulls objects toward the center of mass.
In order to find the center of gravity of a body, it must be studied.
Ball: As long as the ball has a fixed shape, wherever you stand on it, you will have the same effect as gravity.
The center of mass of a ball is the same as its center,
Therefore, gravity will pull the objects on its surface down towards the center of the ball. This will happen regardless of the body's location on the surface of the ball.
Flat body: The center of the solid surface is in its middle, so the force of gravity will pull anything on its surface toward its middle. Gravity will pull it sideways toward the middle of the surface, and not downward, which contradicts what actually happens on Earth.

Source: websites