A new discovery... the journey to prove life on Mars continues
the journey to prove life on Mars continues 249
Scientists are still efforts to prove the existence of the ingredients for life on the surface of Mars.
By evaluating data from NASA 's Curiosity probe, the researchers probed the presence of components similar to those found on Earth in the rocks of Mars.
The research, published in the journal Pence, on Tuesday measured total organic carbon , bound to a hydrogen atom , in Martian rocks for the first time.

Total organic carbon is a measure of the amount of material available to sustain life's primary reactions .
Previous studies had detected a part of the carbon in the rocks of Mars , while this study was able to give the total amount of organic carbon in these rocks.
The numbers found by the study are comparable to those found in rocks on Earth in regions such as the Atacama Desert in South America.
The researchers collected data by studying samples that were drilled into 3.5 billion-year-old clay rocks at Gale Crater, Yellowknife Bay, the site of an ancient lake on Mars .

The discovery of organic carbon does not conclusively prove the existence of life on Mars because these molecules can also originate from non-living sources such as meteorites and volcanoes .
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