The truth about Arabs and Arabic
The truth about Arabs and Arabic  1---673
Before entering the Abbasid era and before the rule of the Abbasids, the Arabic language was not presented or defined as an Arabic language. Rather, all that mattered was that it was just a dialect among the Levantine Aramaic dialects. However, the Muslims of the Abbasid era were the ones who presented it to us as Arabic Language
?Someone might say: What do you mean? Do you mean that it was a foreign language, for example
. In fact: This is not the idea.. We do not mean that
Rather, the point is that Arabic as a language itself in the past was not presented to people as an Arabic language
It was presented as one of the Aramaic dialects
But with the advent of the Abbasid era, it became called the Arabic language... and the Muslims of the Abbasid era developed it by establishing new linguistic rules that were not known before the Abbasid era. With this, we understand that Arab nationalism was founded in the Abbasid era
The truth about Arabs and Arabic  1---674
Before the Abbasid era, Arabic as a language was not presented as an Arabic language, nor were the Arabs as an ethnic group presenting themselves as Arabs. Rather, they were presenting themselves as one of the Levantine Aramaic [Bedouin] ethnicities and groups that inhabited the Levant desert in the desert. Syria, Iraq and Jordan] and sister to the Syriacs
All of this and more was explained on the official channel of the academic intellectual Muhammad Al-Nabulsi through a series of episodes that were shown on the YouTube platform.
Written by the academic intellectual: Muhammad Al-Nabulsi
A researcher specializing in studying the origins of religion
And an enlightenment activist on the YouTube platform
+Warning: The intention of the post is to enlighten and spread awareness
And culture, not discrimination or insult to any race or nationality

Palestinian secular intellectuals