The truth about the Arabic language
The truth about the Arabic language 1----48
I do not find the Amazigh language to be an ancient Arabic dialect, and there is no linguistic correspondence between them at all!
First, because the dialect is a branch of a language, and Amazigh existed in North Africa before the emergence of the Arabic language.
The oldest evidence of the existence of the Arabic language dates back to the 9th century BC, and the oldest Arabic inscription dating back to the year 328 AD is the Namara inscription located in the Louvre Museum (a photo of which is attached).
This is what Wikipedia says:
This means that this inscription was written 328 years after the birth of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, and we do not find anything older than it until now, at a time when among his disciples were Libyan amazighs from Shahat, and we have not heard of an Arab disciple of his.
While amazigh inscriptions of all types and dialects are widespread and exist before the 9th century BC and this date
But since Amazigh and Arabic are of the same origin, this will obviously apply to all languages of the world!
They are all from one natural origin as long as all of humanity is from one origin.
If we compare the grammar rules between them, we discover the big difference.
In Arabic, the feminine singular ends with a letter, while in Amazigh it begins with a letter,
In Arabic there is singular, dual, and plural. In Amazigh, there is singular and plural without dual
In Arabic, there is a fatha, a kasra, a dhammah, a sukun, and a dot, and this is devoid of it in Amazigh. I think they are all sakun at the end of it. Let the scholars correct me.
The strange thing is that we find that the names of numbers are very similar between Arabic and Hebrew, while we do not find it in Amazigh, so it is better to consider Hebrew as an Arabic dialect instead of Amazigh!!
The truth is, one should not rely on terminology because the languages of peoples neighboring each other or living together are natural to borrow each other’s terminology and be influenced by it.
The truth about the Arabic language 1-959
Poor Arabized Amazighs neither preserved their language with which God bestowed upon them nor did they learn the sophisticated languages of science such as English and French. Rather, they remained prisoners of a language whose argument that the Qur’an is in Arabic is of no use. It is as if the Arabs were only devoted to the Qur’an morning and evening contemplating it or trying to understand it. Although translations of the meanings of the Qur’an are available in various languages for those who want to contemplate, which is the most important duty towards the Qur’an, “A book We have sent down to you, blessed, that they may contemplate its verses.” Our grandmothers were among the most devout people and knew nothing of Arabic except short surahs for prayer
The Bedouins say that the Amazigh language is not a language of science, and I do not know how they drew these conclusions? It is as if the Arabic language was thanks to it reaching Mars! The Arabs are the ones who fought the Amazigh language by issuing their racist fatwas and imposed restrictions on it for 14 centuries. Then he rudely tells you the language of the caves, and they are the ones who prevented the Amazigh language from entering the school institution, this institution without which it is impossible for any language to grow and develop, and then he blames you, why is your language not the language of science? His example is like someone who imprisons a person and ties his limbs with shackles, then throws him into the sea and asks him, “Why don’t you swim?”
The Amazigh language is your mother tongue, the language of the land and the indigenous people. Amazigh is the only language that has withstood all the Phoenician, Punic, Greek, Roman, Vandal, and Byzantine languages. Thanks to the Amazigh men and elites, it will withstand you until the Day of Judgment, you apes.

Source: websites