Astronomy among the Sumerians
Astronomy among the Sumerians 1----466
More than 6,000 years ago, a mysterious civilization had detailed maps of our solar system. The Sumerians made these drawings using clay. Surviving drawings show that they understood that the Sun was a star at the center of the solar system and that the other planets revolved around it. They even accurately mapped the orbits and positions of the planets. Interestingly, some of their paintings also depict strange images with giant entities. The Sumerians considered them gods. Interestingly, some drawings of these deities even display symbols that resemble human DNA sequences. In addition, they had symbols related to medicine, which bore a close resemblance to modern medical symbols. until today, We still cannot understand how humanity's oldest civilization thousands of years ago had such profound knowledge of astronomy.
This raises the question of whether this ancient civilization was not primitive, but rather advanced far beyond our current understanding of it.

Source: websites