Astronomy among the Sumerians
Astronomy among the Sumerians 1-1008
The Sumerians described the planet Uranus as (Marsh Sik), which literally means (bright green) in Sumerian. They also described the reason behind the decline of Uranus.
As for the other planet that follows Uranus, it is the planet Neptune. The Sumerians described it as (bluish-green), and our scientists did not confirm the accuracy of this description and name until 30 years ago.
The Sumerians named and arranged all the planets in our solar system, and their documents containing this evidence are nothing but evidence that modern man only rediscovered what had previously been discovered by the Sumerians.
Sumerian astronomers knew of the existence of the planets Uranus and Neptune. They were unknown to modern science until their discovery in 1781 and 1846 AD. They also knew about the existence of the planet Pluto, which is the farthest planet in the solar system. But our contemporary scientists did not discover it until 1930

Here are the names of some planets according to the Sumerian nomenclature:
- Planet Neptune: The Sumerians called it (Noda-Mud), meaning the creative creator.
-Uranus: The Sumerians called him (Anu), meaning the key to heaven.
-Venus (Venus): Its Sumerian name is (Lahamu) or (Lamu)
-Saturn: His name is (Anshar), which means the shelf of heaven.
Jupiter: His Sumerian name is Kishar, the tip of the solid Earth.
-The asteroid belt located between Mars and Jupiter: They called it (Rakesh), which means hammered.
- Mars: They called him (Lamu), which means the God of Freedom.
-Earth: Its name is (Ki), meaning life
The Sumerians considered planet Earth the seventh planet, not the third as we think of it now. The Sumerians say that they calculate the sequence of the planets not starting from the planet closest to the sun, but rather from the planet farthest from the sun.

Source /
The Sumerians in History by Jacques Perrin