10things that make you more attractive in the eyes of women
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Attractive Man - 10 things that women find attractive in men
First of all, let us admit that relationships are one of the most complex things on earth, and it is one of the things that technology and scientific progress cannot interfere with or fix. Most men still struggle to understand a woman’s mind, and what qualities she might see in a man and find him attractive. Also, many people do not know how to attract a woman and do not realize how to make her attractive, and although the matter differs from one person to another, there are some qualities that women find very attractive and irresistible in men.
But today, let us discuss this topic more clearly and list together the most important things and qualities that make you more attractive in the eyes of women:

Characteristics of an attractive man as seen by women...
Your self-confidence spreads magic:
Most women prefer to be with a man who is confident, decisive, and bold in his decisions, but at the same time, she does not like arrogant men who make her feel that she is unable to think for herself and make decisions on her own.
A woman is looking for a soul and life partner, not a leader who directs and controls her life. Therefore, the most attractive man in her eyes is a man who is confident in himself and does not constantly burden her with thoughts.
Be strong for you and for her too:
Men with a strong physique and well-defined muscle structure are more attractive to women than men who are weak or thin.
Women are instinctively drawn to strength, so they find strong masculine traits very attractive. This also makes her feel that this man will protect her and that she can trust him in any situation. But as always, women's brains always work differently. They don't like overly muscular men, and they may be attracted to him at first, but then they may feel uncomfortable.
Be the merrier:
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It is often said that women are moody and feel sad easily, but this is not true. It can be said that fun and a sense of humor are among the most important qualities of a man that make him attractive in the eyes of women. They often find that the first thing that attracts a partner is that he or she makes them laugh heartily.
A sense of humor reflects intelligence, creativity, and the ability to think positively, all of which women find unexpectedly attractive. Don't make her feel like you're taking life too seriously. Talk to her positively and look on the bright side of life. Dressing up is naturally attractive:
A man who cares about his appearance, health, and personal hygiene is certainly the most attractive man in the eyes of a woman. Elegant clothing reveals your socio-economic status, emphasizes your physical features and certainly increases your attractiveness. This does not mean that you have to wear a suit every day, but you need to maintain a certain style of modesty by wearing appropriate clothing, whether it is formal, informal or even sports.
Bright men's accessories are a sign of your self-confidence. Rely on simple accessories that reflect the elegance of your clothes and make you more attractive.
Perfumes may open the way:
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Choosing the right perfume is an art in itself, and it reflects your confident personality, and this step becomes one of the most important qualities of a man that attracts women. You don't have to choose something expensive or exotic. Choose the right perfume that gives you a refreshing scent and makes you instantly attractive. Women have a much better sense of smell than some men, so they are often influenced by the smell of smart perfumes.
Listen more, the better:
Women love to reveal their secrets to close people, so the ability to listen is definitely one of the qualities of a man that is attractive to a woman. Show her that you are interested in her story, and that you are attentive to her. Women love for their partners to pay attention to the details of their lives and to be present with their anger, sadness, and happy moments.
Remember the exact details she said. You'll need it at some point to show her that you care about her, or to give her a nice surprise when you give her something she said she wanted.
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Your ambition is important to you and to her too:
Ambition and success in professional life are certainly attractive qualities, because they show a person that he has the determination and motivation to achieve his goals. Your continuous progress at work, success and development gives women confidence in the future that they share with you. Success also gives your personality confidence and the qualities of a successful leader, which are manifested In making firm decisions that change your life.
Most women are attracted to this strong and successful personality and prefer successful, high-status men as life partners.
Be noble and kind:
Do you like to be a gentleman in the eyes of those with whom you share your confusion? There are some qualities that some men may ignore, but they are important in the eyes of women.
The ability to give compliments and act elegantly are qualities that an attractive man definitely possesses.
Express your admiration for your partner's elegance and comment on her new hairstyle or the clothes she spent a long time choosing.
Old fashioned behaviors still fascinate women whenever they see them in old movies, like opening the car door or waiting for your girlfriend to come in first.
Some men may view these customs as old and outdated now, or believe that new generations of women do not like them, especially since they are linked in their minds to the sophistication that prevailed in ancient times, and these customs still attract women because of their good taste.
Your charming smile:
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A smile is one of the elements that attracts women. Your smile is a secret weapon that you must use as a professional. The pure smile that comes from the heart attracts the hearts of women, and the sparkle in his eyes at that moment will never be forgotten.
But you might be surprised to know that women prefer attractive men with smug smiles. This smile shows that you are confident and in control of the situation, like many movie stars, and women tend to sympathize with people who have this type of confidence and arrogance.
Be kind and affectionate:
Despite all the talk about equality and feminism, women are still very attracted to sensitive and caring men. All women want long-term relationships and lifelong marriages. That's why they are attracted to men who love their families and dream of having children one day.

Perhaps this is the reason why women prefer men who raise dogs. Raising a dog shows that a person has the ability to care for others. Dogs in particular are sensitive creatures, and this indicates their owner's ability to participate in relationships and understand the needs of the other person.

Source: websites