An adventure that was crowned with success
An adventure that was crowned with success 1---1250
A large company held a trip for its workers on the banks of a lake, and since the lake was full of crocodiles, the owner of the company bet his workers out of entertainment that whoever crossed the lake and safely swam to the other side would get a million dollars.
If he was devoured by crocodiles, his heirs would receive a million and a half million dollars.
None of the workers thought of jumping into the lake
Suddenly, the employees saw one of them, jumping and swimming hard, panting, pursued by crocodiles until he crossed the lake safely.
The poor man from the village became a millionaire and became the greatest figure in his family and village from that moment, but he insisted on finding out who pushed him from behind to fall into the lake, and it was his wife!
Since that day, the famous saying appeared: “Behind every great man is a great woman.”
How great you are, woman. Continue, great wife, to push your husband forward

Source: websites