Documenting the adventure of an American being swallowed by an anaconda to photograph it from the inside

In a rare and strange adventure of its kind, the adventurer Rusoli decided to approach the anaconda to accept it and swallow it and then photograph it from the inside after taking the necessary measures and precautions to maintain its safety after tying its body with a strong rope and wearing enough protective suits.
Adventurer and filmmaker Paul Russoli said in the Discovery Channel that he wanted to see how the "anaconda", the largest snake in the world, twists its victims from livestock, goats and crocodiles and compresses their bodies to cut off their breath, and crushes their bones and breaks them to make it easier for them to swallow them whole.
After one of the giant snakes was found in the Amazon forest with a length of 20 feet, preparations were made to document the unique event as the first person to enter a snake's mouth and stomach, some channels broadcast live broadcasts of the adventure and everyone gathered to watch the event.
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Paul Roussoli
The suit was equipped with different layers, the first was for sensing heart rate, breathing and temperature, while the second layer was a coolant device, and the third layer was the most important and its function was to protect urine from more than 100 poisonous and deadly acids secreted by the anaconda in its guts and another layer to protect Rusoli from bites and fangs The deadly anaconda and in the end they designed a very strong carbon fiber protective shield for him to protect from one of the most important anaconda weapons, which is the hardship, and they put a breathing apparatus, headphones and a microphone for him to communicate with the crew
Rosoli told the international media, "It is very easy to convince the anaconda" to swallow you as soon as you get close to it." He stated that they provided him with an oxygen tube that would allow him to breathe for 3 hours, "I am inside the stomach of the snake," which opened its appetite by wearing his protective clothing with pig's blood, an animal preferred by the anaconda over other than him.
He also added that he was provided with safety means to ensure his safety, a strong condom to protect him from bites, hardness and deadly acids in its guts.
He had a director and medical staff at the highest level who helped him to get rid of him due to his inability to bear the pressure and force of the anaconda on his body.
Paul threw himself prey to the anaconda that pounced on him and turned around him with force. At the time, he felt that his bones were being shattered while he was in front of the target of her deadly saliva and fangs. Paul could not bear this pressure and horror and asked for help from the adventure crew to rid him of those who rushed to him and rid him of the arms of death.
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Real picture during the anaconda dystopia by Paul Rossoli
The adventurer "Paul Rusoli" decided to withdraw from that adventure that almost killed his life, after an American television channel announced that it would show the adventure of "eating alive" by volunteering the adventurer to be an easy prey inside the "anaconda" snake. Rosoli explained, that the idea became a real nightmare when implementing it, and the "anaconda" snake is known to crush its victims before pulling them into the depths of its hollow, a fact that the adventurer experienced moment by moment and pushed him to retreat in the end, according to the "France 24".And the American channel, which was preparing for this event, announced, through teaser announcements and news on all news sites, that the adventure was canceled after the adventurer Russoli refused to take the adventure and asked for help from the adventure crew to rid him of the monster according to a recipe, after feeling great pressure on his body from The anaconda that turned around for his hardship