The State of Iceland
The State of Iceland 1---203
Iceland: the country where education and medicine are free - there are no McDonald's or prison cells...
Every person dreams of living a better life and living in a modern country. From this standpoint, Iceland is the ideal country. There is no army here, electricity is free, and people rarely lock their cars and homes!
Iceland is a northern island nation located between the North Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Ocean, and was under Danish sovereignty until December 1, 1918.
Iceland has a population of only 332,529 people.
People trust each other, so they don't lock their cars or homes, and children can be left unattended for a few minutes while their parents shop.
Here are some fun facts about Iceland:
1. Icelanders love to read. In this semester he ranks first in the world.
2. If you are going to order water in a café or restaurant, you do not have to pay. They will give you tap water which is very good because it is from a hot spring.
3. If you decide to change your job, you will not need a letter of recommendation from your previous job. Icelanders trust people and will not control you in any way.
4. Iceland is the only country in the world where voting is done online.
5. This country is considered very conservative. Residents have a very serious attitude towards marriage.
6. Currently, tourism is very developed in this country, the number of tourists increases every year and is twice as large as the population.

7. There is no army in Iceland. If any citizen wants to perform military service, he can join the Norwegian army based on an agreement between these countries.
8. All schools and other educational institutions are free here.
9. There are no private clinics because there is simply no need for them. Government hospitals provide very good medical services.
10. Iceland is one of the few countries in Europe that uses central heating and people do not pay for it.

Source: websites