Channel Tunnel
Channel Tunnel 1-3071
Lovers of information and facts about places and countries that you did not know about before, here are 15 interesting pieces of information about the Channel Tunnel:
1. The English Channel is considered one of the marvels of civil engineering in the world.
2. The Channel was built to connect the island of Britain to mainland Europe.
3. The Channel extends more than 50 kilometers in length.
4. The English Channel was officially opened in 1994.
5. Crossing the canal by train takes about 35 minutes.
6. The Channel contains two tunnels for trains and additional tunnels for traffic.
7. The two tunnels pass under the seabed to avoid obstructing ship movement.
8. The English Channel Tunnel is considered the longest undersea tunnel in the world.
9. The English Channel took more than 6 years to build.
10. The Channel Canal project is considered a cooperation between Britain and France.

11. The Channel is used as a corridor for trains, trucks and passengers.
12. About 20 million passengers pass through the English Channel annually.
13. The Channel is designed to withstand bad weather such as storms.
14. The Channel Tunnel was dug using the latest civil engineering and tunneling techniques.
15. The English Channel has become a symbol of European integration and cooperation.
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