Cinderella story
Cinderella story 1---718
Did you know that the story of Cinderella is 100% Egyptian, and was taken by all peoples different from the ancient Egyptians?
Cinderella is originally the Egyptian Rhodopis, who lived in a beautiful house with her mother and father. Her mother died after giving her a deer leather shoe. Her father married and had two daughters with his new wife, who treated Rhodopis as if she were a servant in the house. Then comes the prince, Ahmose II. As in the Shuster Papyrus, he holds a party for all the girls of the city to choose a wife for him... The wife prevents Radubis from going to the party, so she becomes sad about that and opens her mother’s box to take the shoe to wear... Then one of the birds of prey snatches the shoe, thinking that it is something to be eaten, and flies away with it and throws it and it falls to the prince, who liked the shoe. He decided to look for his girlfriend to marry her.
Here the story begins to deepen the meaning of justice, as the stepmother denounces the prince’s representative asking Radubis to measure a shoe on the pretext that she is just a maid. The representative says to her: Justice does not differentiate between a maid and a princess. After the prince decides to marry Radubis, he decides Also, to punish the stepmother for what she did to Radubis. Radubis refused to punish her, and her condition for marriage was to pardon her. She said to him: “This is my mother’s will. She asked me to tolerate whoever betrays me because tolerance helps the human soul to get rid of evil.” This is 100% the origin of the Egyptian story.
Herodotus, the Greek historian, mentioned it about the history of Egypt, but he changed a lot about it. He mentioned that Rhodopis was a girl of Greek origin who worked as a maid, and this was not mentioned in the Chester Beatty Papyrus, which is kept in the British Museum. The writer (Brooksbank) reported it. To the English language in his book (Stories of the Pharaohs Through the Ages)..
The first time this famous story was published was by the French publisher Charles Perrault, who was born in Paris on January 21, 1628. Its source was not mentioned. The whole world does not know its source other than that it is a Chinese legend. While Cinderella is originally the Egyptian Radubis.
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