The story of the coat
The story of the coat  1---719
A short story written by the great Russian novelist Nikolai Gogol. Published in 1842. It tells the story of the coat of a man named Akakiy Akakiyevich. It is a human story about which the famous novelist Turgenev said: “We all emerged from Gogol’s coat.” ✍
A naive, poor, destitute person who did not own anything from the debris of the world. Rather, he did not aspire to own anything. He looked at things as if they did not exist and that they were not his.
He lived in a small, dark rented room. He lived alone and ate alone, and his food was meager. He owned one suit, and it became old and tattered. However, he never complained to anyone, and he did not ask for anything from others. All his days are similar to each other
This man had a dream, “buying a new coat,” because his old coat had gone out of service and was no longer useful, and there was no possibility of repairing or patching it, so he “dreamed of buying a new coat.”
He actually went to the tailor to make a new coat. But where does the money come from?
The salary is barely enough to eat and drink.
The man thought. He had no choice but to abstain for a whole year in order to save the price of the coat. Imagine that he stopped drinking tea before bed, “even though it is the only pleasure he has.”
He no longer lit the “lamp at night to save the price of oil.” It even came to the point of canceling dinner
When he went to work, he would walk on his tiptoes to keep his shoes on for as long as possible so that he would not have to buy new shoes in order to save the price of the coat.
During this year, the coat turned into a goal and purpose that he thought about all the time. He sees it in his dreams. Every week he went to the tailor to check on the coat
The year passed, “austerity” ended, and the day of handover came. When I put on the coat, he almost had a heart attack from extreme joy, and when he went out into the street, he was filled with joy, especially when he felt the weight of the coat on his shoulders. This time he was laughing from the bottom of his heart
He went to work the next day. His co-workers looked in amazement that he was wearing a “new coat.” This is the first time a colleague invites him to a birthday. He went to the party and felt that he was still alive and that his existence had value, but unfortunately....the joy did not last long, except for one day.
On his way back, “some thieves attacked him” and beat him up. And they stole the coat Despite his miserable screams and despair, none of the passers-by helped him, and he remained thrown on the ground and continued to shiver from the severity of the cold and the severity of oppression, weakness, and sadness.
Until he gathered his strength and went to one of the investigation departments to help him uncover the criminals or in an attempt to return the coat to him. The investigator looked at the man with a look of disinterest and told him that he would not waste his time on a trivial matter, “such as stealing a coat.”

The owner of the coat returned to the street again and was attacked again, but this time because of the extreme cold. The cold shattered his bones from the inside, and he returned to his room “forced and cold” after two days. He was raving about the word “coat,” and he saw it everywhere. The owner of the coat died
And every winter, the miserable soul of the coat owner walked through the streets of the city
"Russian Saint Petersburg" to take revenge on every person who owns a coat...

Source: websites