!The story of the saying: Even you, Brutus
!The story of the saying: Even you, Brutus 1--1605
The stabbing that was classified as one of the ugliest stabbings and the ugliest assassination in history...it was the moment of the assassination of Tsar Julius..
A quote taken from the play "Julius Caesar" by the English writer William Shakespeare. When Julius Caesar was stabbed
The stab wound was classified as one of the ugliest stab wounds in history...
It is the moment of the assassination of Julius Caesar, Emperor of Rome.
It was a difficult moment when everyone he once trusted betrayed him and they all gathered and agreed on him, and they attacked him with stabs, and he was still standing and did not fall despite all the stabs he received. Until he saw his old friend Brutus.
Julius looked at his friend while he was drowning in his own blood, and a look of hope and relief shone in his eyes, and he believed that his lifelong friend had come to save him. He put his hand on his shoulder, waiting for help, and Brutus also stabbed him.
Here Julius Caesar said his sentence
Even you, Brutus, famously said, “Then let Caesar die.” And Caesar fell dead.
Brutus' stab was the fatal stab, unlike all the other stabs... He did not stab him in his body, but rather in his person... He stabbed him in his will... in his hopes... Only here... Caesar fell... content to fall, declaring his defeat...

?The question is... How many Brutuses in our lives are there in whom we think well and are disappointed
Gibran Khalil Gibran says: When the bullet hit my heart, I did not die... but I died when I saw who fired it...

Source: websites