8Foods That Improve Mood Other Than Chocolate
8Foods That Improve Mood Other Than Chocolate 12794
There is no doubt that what we eat is completely reflected in our psychological state. There are foods that make us feel warm, such as lentils and leafy greens, and foods that give us refreshment, such as mint and watermelon. There are also foods that make us feel happy, for many reasons, including that they affect your brain chemistry and the hormones your body produces, in addition to providing nutritional benefits, especially those that contain a high percentage of carbohydrates, which release serotonin. Foods such as bananas, avocados and nuts can also lead to the production of dopamine, which is associated with pleasure and reward. We review the most prominent foods that increase the feeling of happiness, according to what was published by the "healthshots" website.
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Eating something as simple as lentils can make you happy because they're a good source of tryptophan and provide essential proteins and nutrients. A study published in Philosophical Transactions suggests that tryptophan supplements can increase serotonin levels in the body, which in turn can reduce quarrels and increase friendliness.
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Chickpeas are one of the foods that help improve mood. They are rich in tryptophan and contain a good amount of fiber and protein. Chickpeas also contain magnesium, which helps with nerve function, and selenium and zinc help fight depression and anxiety.
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Cottage cheese
Cottage cheese is rich in protein and tryptophan, and a study published in the journal Advances in Nutrition reveals that dairy proteins can help you sleep better because they are rich in tryptophan.
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Nuts such as almonds and walnuts are rich in tryptophan and healthy fats, and can be eaten as snacks or added to desserts and various dishes. A ten-year study, published in the European Journal of Nutrition, links nut consumption to a 23 percent lower incidence of depression.
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the milk
Milk and dairy products are also foods that can make you happy because they contain tryptophan and can be included in your diet in the form of milk, yogurt or buttermilk. Dairy products also contain substances that can relieve symptoms of depression.
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Oats are also a food that can make you happy. They are rich in tryptophan, which facilitates the production of serotonin in the body, which helps you stay calm and improves your sleep.
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sweet potato
Sweet potatoes are a good source of carbohydrates and contain tryptophan. A study published in the journal Nutrients found that the carotenoids alpha and beta carotene, which are found in very high levels in the orange-fleshed sweet potato, may help treat depression in young people.
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It is rich in vitamin B3 and omega-3 fatty acids, and contributes to the production of serotonin, and has been scientifically linked to improving mood. Add avocado to salads, sandwiches, or as a standalone snack to add a dose of happiness to your day. Avocado also has a range of other health benefits.

Source : websites