8Foods to fight morning fatigue
8Foods to fight morning fatigue 2544 
Many suffer from feeling tired when waking up, which leads those who suffer from that morning fatigue to consume several cups of coffee accompanied by foods rich in sugar or ready-made foods, in order to get the energy to start a long day of work or practice other tasks. However, in fact, resorting to these foods and drinks will only make matters worse, so that the state of morning fatigue will continue without a solution.
To combat morning fatigue, it is recommended to eat natural and healthy food from fresh vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts, which contain a high percentage of vitamins, minerals and other necessary nutrients, as these foods can provide the energy that the body needs in the morning and for the rest of the day, which helps in resisting morning fatigue. and overcome it

Among these many foods, we choose for you eight recommended to eat in the morning.
1- Banana
Eating a stick of banana as a snack is one of the best ways to get energy quickly, as this fruit contains a high percentage of potassium, magnesium and B vitamins, and it also contains a sufficient amount of fiber that slows down the release of sugar in the blood. Ripe yellow bananas can save a lot of energy - compared to unripe green ones - because the starch in them is converted into sugars that are easy to digest and get energy from.
2- eggs
Eating one egg can provide a feeling of satiety and fullness and provide the body with energy that lasts throughout the day, as eggs contain many important nutrients such as iron, choline, vitamin D and vitamin B12, in addition to the necessary proteins and healthy fats. Eat only the yolk or the white on its own
3- Dates
In addition to their sweet and delicious taste, dates contain many minerals such as calcium, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, zinc and iron. In addition, dates are easily digestible foods, which provide the body with a large amount of energy once eaten, so it is recommended to eat  dates or dates in the morning or eat them as a snack during the day.
4- Almonds Almonds
are one of the nuts rich in essential proteins, fiber and healthy unsaturated fats. In addition, almonds contain B vitamins that help the body convert food into energy, as well as magnesium, which helps fight muscle fatigue. Therefore, it is recommended to add a few almonds to your cereal bowl with milk in the morning, or eat a handful of almonds as a mid-day snack
5- Avocado
The avocado fruit contains vitamins, minerals and healthy fats that can supply the body with energy that lasts for several hours, and it also contains fiber that contributes to maintaining a constant blood sugar level to avoid sudden rises and falls in blood sugar, which may cause a feeling of fatigue. Therefore, it is recommended to eat avocado by adding it to the fruit plate or to the natural fruit juice in the morning.
6- Watermelon
The body feeling thirsty or some simple dehydration may cause a feeling of fatigue after waking up, so it is recommended to eat foods rich in water in the morning, and of course there is nothing better than watermelon, as 90% of these fruits are water, and they contain Many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and some amino acids that help reduce muscle fatigue and fatigue
7- Spinach Spinach
is characterized as a food rich in vitamin (C) and vitamin (B9) known as folic acid and iron, and obtaining these vitamins and minerals in particular is necessary for the process of producing energy in the body. The low level of iron in the body causes fatigue and may lead to anemia. Therefore, it is recommended to add spinach to breakfast food to obtain an adequate amount of iron and necessary vitamins.
8- Bee
pollen Bee pollen or bee pollen is a natural food with high nutritional value that is called "superfood", as eating bee pollen in the morning enhances the body's energy and physical endurance. It is rich in B vitamins and amino acids, in addition to an antioxidant called rutin, which plays a key role in strengthening blood vessel health, improving blood circulation and fighting infections.

Food as Fuel: 10 Things to Eat on Tired Mornings
