Scientific thought among the Sumerians
Scientific thought among the Sumerians 1-3094
Among the Sumerians - they had a cure for every disease - the Sumerians believed that the best way to influence nature was by adopting suggestive magic or by referring to religious ceremonies that were surrounded by magic to a long extent, and the ziggurat and other architectural forms became a symbol of the divine pattern in nature, and they had only a vague idea of Immortality - Sciences emerged among the Sumerians bearing the character of religion. The purpose of the experiment was to know the truth of the universe. Rather, this was done for a religious and magical purpose - The Sumerians believed that the number - 6 - was sacred, and from it they became convinced of the sexagesimal system, this system that the Babylonians inherited from them, and through it they divided the circle into - 360. - Degrees and measuring angles into degrees and dividing time into hours, minutes and seconds The Babylonians preserved the sexagesimal system and introduced it into mathematics and trigonometry texts.
The Sumerians realized remarkable innovations in mathematics. They accurately calculated scientific products, even fractions. They advanced in arithmetic and engineering to carry out irrigation and construction projects and achieve extensive trade. They created the positional arrangement in which the meaning of a number changes by changing its position in complex numbers. However, they did not discover zero, did not know its role, and taught cube and square roots and engineering issues. Applied –
As for astronomy, the Sumerians knew the zodiac circle formed by the Earth’s line of rotation around the sun and its distribution into - 12 - signs. They considered each planet a representative of a god they worshiped. The Sumerian astrologers were able to predict the phenomenon of eclipses and eclipses before they occurred after they developed valid plans for that and adopted the closest distance at which the moon would approach. From the Earth and created the solar and lunar calendars They were so precise in their investigation that they added a leap month to the lunar calendar every three years, so that the two calendars would be equal, and each city was unique in naming the months of the year.
The Sumerians also compiled a table with the names of minerals, plants, and animals, and were familiar with the anatomy of parts of the animal body. They prepared a description in cuneiform of the method of preparing artificial stones. They were able to synthesize medicines from plant, animal, and mineral materials, and they carried out precise chemical operations. And if they acknowledged the influence of magic and evil spirits in causing internal diseases, their medicine advanced until they had - Every disease has a cure - even if they mix it with religion -

Among their technological superiority in the diverse system of canals, dams and warehouses, which is based on ingenuity and abundant knowledge of the fundamentals of the earth’s nature, and they knew the preparation of maps, the principles of surveying, and the symbolic drawing of areas, and they were accustomed to knowing fixed measures of length and area, and measures and weights - They excelled in the mining industry, as well as in tanning and preparing means for paints, cosmetics, and perfumes. The Sumerians were the oldest people in the world in organizing war affairs, and they made it a prestigious art. Military mobilization began in Sumer in the third millennium BC, and the Sumerian People’s Council was the supreme body in deciding military issues. Important -----

Book of Babylonian Sciences - p. 114 - Margaret Rothen
The Sumerians in History - pp. 76 - 77 - 78 - Dr. Azmi Sukkar