To those with Arab thought
To those with Arab thought 1-785
To everyone who doubts that the Amazigh language and its writing, known as (Tifinagh), is not a local language for the indigenous inhabitants of the North African region, there are many people who want to desecrate this history by attaching it to the Yemeni Musnad, and they put their efforts to achieve this and fight the Amazigh culture and its identity, which is older than The Yemeni civilization, and we find others attribute this history to the Phoenician or Canaanite civilization, or that the history of the North African region was made by the Arabs!!!
Without any convincing academic scientific evidence from history, their only concern is to desecrate the history of the North African region with their endless nonsense
Here is this modest study conveyed in its academic form, which cannot be rejected among the scientific community for studying history
The German researcher, orientalist, and expert in oriental languages, Franz Karl Movers, through his studies on the ancient Phoenicians, presented his main work, Die Phonizier, for which he gained wide fame, as he conducted detailed and in-depth studies on Phoenician history, and after his research he concluded that the Berber alphabet has a more primitive stamp. In advance of the Phoenician alphabet where can one rightly conclude that the Berbers knew writing before the Phoenicians? Moreover, Movers asserts that civilization among the Libyan peoples of North Africa dates back far beyond the founding of Carthage and that it is also not surprising to see that some Latin words can be Derived from the Amazigh language
To those with Arab thought 2-233
Die Phönizier : Das phönizische Alterthum. II Theil : Geschichte der Colonien. Berlin 1850, page 406 et suivantes
Let you know the estimated age of Tifinagh, as recently confirmed by archaeologists, that the Berber language alphabet is 7,000 thousand years old from the present, which makes it one of the oldest and oldest languages in human history. Phoenician in the Levant, for example, appeared only 1,200 years ago BC, while the Himyarite Musnad script appeared 900 years ago. Only B.C
To those with Arab thought 101514    
Sources from UNESCO
Tifinagh is 100% Amazigh, with evidence and proof from UNESCO itself:
l'alphabet tifinagh est reconnu par l'UNESCO. En 2003 l'UNESCO a inscrit l'alphabet tifinagh comme élément du Patrimoine culturel immatériel de l'humanité Cela reconnaît l'importance culturelle et historique de cet alphabet utilisé par plusieurs peuples berbères d'Afrique du Nord
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