Youssef bin Tashfin: founder of the Almoravid state
leader of almoravids

Youssef bin Tashfin: founder of the Almoravid state Image

Who is Youssef bin Tashfin?
Prince Youssef bin Tashfin was born around the year 1009 AD in the Sanhaja tribe in southern Morocco. He learned the Qur’an, horsemanship and martial arts from a young age. His youth coincided with the beginning of the establishment of the Almoravid state led by Sheikh Abdullah bin Yassin and Prince Ibrahim bin Yahya. His star began to appear when he led the army towards Sijilmassa in southeastern Morocco, then continued his conquests towards the north and entered into a war with the Zenata tribes, occupying the clouds and then heading to Tamesna, the stronghold of Barghawata, which condemned a perverted Islam. And in the face of the increase in the Almoravid attacks and their expansion, their guide Abdullah bin Yassin was martyred and his successor was Imam Abu Bakr bin Omar Al-Lamtouni in the year 1059 AD, but he soon abdicated the throne to his cousin Yusuf bin Tashfin,take Marrakech the capital of his country.
Youssef bin Tashfin continued to expand his state, subduing the countryside, Tangiers, Fez, and the Zenata tribes in the east, and decided to continue expanding, entering Tlemcen in the year 1080 AD, then Oran, Chlef and Mitja until he reached Bejaia and returned to Marrakesh in 1081 AD.
Ibn Tashfin strengthened his state and spread Islam and the doctrine of Imam Malik, and he was credited with uniting North Africa on one doctrine. He also built cities, mosques and schools in all parts of the state, so his state became one of the most powerful states at the time, so the prince of the Abbasid state called him the prince of Muslims.

Youssef bin Tashfin: founder of the Almoravid state Image
The borders of the Almoravid state

annexation of Andalusia:
After the establishment of the Almoravid state, the situation in Andalusia was disturbed due to the rivalry between the princes of the sects and the attack of the Spaniards on them, which prompted them to seek the help of the Almoravids. Yusuf bin Tashfin accepted the request and crossed his army towards Andalusia and fought battles with the Spaniards and defeated them at the battle of Zalaqa in 1086 AD. Victory was his ally and Alfonso VI fled in his spirit. Youssef bin Tashfin returned to Marrakesh. The lords of the sects returned to their struggles, and Prince Yusef decided to eliminate them and annex the Andes to his kingdom in 1091 AD.

Youssef bin Tashfin: founder of the Almoravid state Image
Mausoleum of Youssef Ben Tashfin in Marrakesh

The prince spent his life in the battlefields of jihad, writing the most wonderful pages of heroism, uniting all the Amazighs under the doctrine of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah, spreading 
justice and knowledge everywhere.

Battle Of Sagrajas(Zallaqa) 1086 | Yusuf Bin Tashfin | Almoravid dynasty | IYI Official.