The unspoken history of the Amazigh..

The unspoken history of the Amazigh.. %25D8%25A7%25D9%2584%25D8%25AD%25D8%25B6%25D8%25A7%25D8%25B1%25D8%25A9%2B%25D8%25A7%25D9%2584%25D8%25A7%25D9%2585%25D8%25A7%25D8%25B2%25D9%258A%25D8%25BA%25D9%258A%25D8%25A9
Amazighs warriors

Thousands of years ago, the world knew the so-called Amazigh civilization, which invaded the world east and west and dazzled the world to this day, contemporary civilizations such as Punic, Phoenician, Roman, ancient Egyptian and Assyrian.
Our words support the recent excavations that were discovered in Mountain Irhoud in Morocco, where skulls dating back to the era of the so-called Homo sapiens were identified, and scientists estimated their date to between 200,000 to 300,000 years BC. This means that man has existed in North Africa since time immemorial, and the fossils and tools that were found there indicate that the region knew a sophisticated civilization before other regions of the world.

The unspoken history of the Amazigh.. Image
Discovery of oldest Homo sapiens in Morocco

And when the Egyptian civilization, which contemporaneously with the Amazighs, was established, it could not seize the Amazigh countries, and the Roman Empire also could not control all the regions of North Africa, and this indicates that there are ancient Amazigh peoples in the region that the Great Powers could not break into.
And if we return to the pharaohs in Egypt, which dominated parts of the East, a Amazigh kingdom appeared in Libya led by King Sheshenq or (Sheshnak) in 1100 BC. This king, who is of Amazigh origin, was able to defeat the Pharaohs and rule Egypt for a long period, during which Egypt knew a prosperous civilization during his reign, so the Amazighs took that day as the beginning of their history calendar until today.

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King Sheshenq

There are Roman texts that talk about Amazigh migration to Europe before Tariq bin Ziyad, but scientific research has shown that there were Amazigh migrations to America before Christoph Columbus, where they found Amazigh writings (Tifinagh) on the rocks. The question is how did the Amazighs reach that new world, and why are such facts being obliterated?
When we talk about the Amazigh character Tifinagh, it is one of the oldest writings in the world, as it appeared before 1800 BC. And even before the Phoenician writing, all the languages ​​that were contemporaneous with it, such as Latin, Greek, Ethiopian, and ancient Egyptian, had disappeared, and the Amazigh language remained present to this day.

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The Amazighs were the first to discover America

And when we talk about the great Amazigh kings, after King Sheshenq appeared King Masinissa, the unifier of North Africa and the founder of the Kingdom of Numidia, who ruled from 240 to 148 BC. And after him came King Jugurtha or Yukerten, who resisted the Romans for 20 years and opposed Rome for sale. And after him came King Yuba I 85 - 46 BC. Then Yuba II 46 - 23 BC.

Un chercheur britannique découvre que tamazight est la langue la plus ancienne !

As for the woman, she had a special place among the Amazighs. At a time when the world was leading girls and making women from the evil of creatures, Queen Dehya ruled the Amazighs during the Islamic conquest of North Africa and was able to gather the Amazighs under her command and fought several battles with the Umayyad state in the east until she was killed.

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Debhia..the Amazigh queen who fought the invaders in Morocco

Through the foregoing, the ancient Amazigh civilization in various fields becomes visible. In Western museums, there is an Amazigh currency belonging to King Masinissa and then another to King Yugurta, Yuba I and Yuba II. There are Amazigh pyramids that are comparable to the pyramids of the Pharaohs, not to mention the genius Amazigh scientists in various fields who were then forcibly affiliated with the Arabs, not to mention the arts of war and ancient treasures.
Last week, a team of German scientists managed to discover ancient tools used in the clothing industry in the Harhoura region, near the capital of Morocco, Rabat It dates back to 120,000 years ago.The exploration team announced, after an in-depth study, that the Amazighs were the first people to use clothing.

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Some Amazigh monuments in Algeria

Some Amazigh monuments in Algeria
The question that imposes itself is why this civilization is obliterated and facts are falsified, which begins the history of Morocco, for example, with the establishment of the Idrisid state, and why do the ruling regimes in North Africa not want to dig into this history.

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Some Amazigh coins

I hope that this great history will be rehabilitated and taught to future generations because it is an authentic national treasure that we have the right to be proud of.

Berbers: Ancient Origins of North African Civilization