Amazigh history

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Amazigh pyramids  
The ancient Egyptian writings revealed the true history of the existence of the Amazighs, which dates back to more than three thousand years BC, and the Amazighs carried several names throughout the ages, the most famous of which are: the Libyans, the Numidians, the Gitulians, the Moors, the Berbers and finally the Amazighs.
 It is noteworthy that the Amazigh peoples and tribes have lived with the powerful countries of the ancient world, and they had a historical role of great importance, so their effective impact appeared in each of the cultures and military fields. The interaction between the Greeks and the Amazigh sects in the city of Cyrene is evident. The interaction of the Amazighs with the Roman state has left a clear impact, as the Roman city of Carthage became one of the most powerful cities after the Roman capital, as well as the case in the Moroccan city of Volubilis.

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Septimius Severius Caesar, Rome, of Amazigh descent

As for the political fields and their institutions, the Amazighs left a clear imprint in this, as the Roman armies were distinguished by their strength, and the greatest Roman Caesars of Amazigh origins, most notably Septimus Sevarios, came out, and fierce battles took place between the Amazighs and the Arab Umayyad state for more than half a century in which the Arabs suffered losses. The Berbers mixed with the Arabs and supported them in some of their conquests, as did the combatant leader Tariq bin Ziyad, who is of Amazigh origin, and is credited with conquest of Andalusia.
Among the most prominent Amazigh figures are: Abbas bin Firnas, Ibn Battuta, Abdullah bin Yahya bin Yahya, nicknamed Musnad Al-Andalus, Suleiman Pasha Al-Baroni, Al-Muizz bin Badis, Abu Al-Qasim Al-Zayati, the scholar Abdel Hamid bin Badis, the Islamic thinker Malik bin Nabi, Ibn Khaldun and Ibn Kathir. And the leader Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Al-Khattabi and the international player Zinedine Zidane...

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Carthage amazigh city

It is a great history that deserves more literary and scientific research, and scientific and archaeological studies still surprise us with more about this geographical area of the world, the latest of which are the recent excavations that were found in mountain Ighoud in Morocco,in which scientists concluded that the origin of humanity dates back to north africa.

Berbers: Ancient Origins of North African Civilization