Sad news... a dangerous discovery in the Antarctic threatens the future of humanity
Sad news... a dangerous discovery in the Antarctic threatens the future of humanity 12306486_0-689-7169-4039 
Microplastics, tiny particles of plastic in the surrounding biotope, have been discovered in Antarctic snow for the first time, according to published research, which could threaten humanity's future due to increased levels of pollution and climate change.
Researchers from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand have detected for the first time small plastic particles in all 19 samples taken from the newly fallen Antarctic snow, which could contribute to increased levels of pollution and changes in the climate that could threaten the future of humanity.

The researchers stressed that these results are a "serious threat to Antarctica", and research indicates that microplastics negatively affect environmental health, and that they affect the climate by accelerating the melting of ice, according to the Axios website .
University of Canterbury professor Laura Revell, who was involved in the research, says the researchers never expected to find these molecules "in such a pristine and remote location".
They found an average of 29 microplastic particles per liter (0.26 gallons) of melted snow, which the researchers note is higher than previously reported marine concentrations in the Ross Sea and in Antarctic sea ice.

Atmospheric modeling has suggested that microplastics may have traveled thousands of miles through the air, though the researchers said in a statement, "It is also possible that the presence of humans in Antarctica has left a microplastic footprint."
"It's very sad," Avis said. "Finding microplastics in the new Antarctic snow highlights the extent of plastic pollution even in the most remote parts of the world."
TRT Arabic - Agencies