!Scientists believe that the toothless sea snake is the oldest human ancestor 
!Scientists believe that the toothless sea snake is the oldest human ancestor  2480 
Palaeospondylus gunni or Ghanaian archaic vertebra puzzled scientists about its location on the evolutionary ladder. At first they thought it was the larva of a lung fish, another study showed that it was a form of mucus fish, until a recent study dared say that it may be the most ancient form of humans.
The theory of evolution has always aroused intense controversy between scientists and religious people. While some scientists believe that man is the result of the evolution of single-celled organisms from millions of years ago, religious people believe that Adam is the father of humans and that God formed him and breathed into him of his spirit, while there is a third group. He believes in the theory of evolution within a single species, and a new study of the toothless eel rekindles the controversy again.
This creature called Palaeospondylus gunni or Ghanaian archaic vertebrate is a fish-like vertebrate, specifically a sea snake, but its length is only 6 cm. Scientists have discovered its fossils since 1890, but it greatly puzzled them in its position on the ladder of evolution. While they initially believed that it was a larva of a lung fish, Another study showed that it was a form of mucus fish, until a recent study dared to say that it may be the most ancient form of humans.
According to livescience, Tatsuya Hirasao, associate professor of palaeontology at the University of Tokyo in Japan, said that the puzzles surrounding the archaic spondylosis are caused by its extremely small size and skeleton, but without a jaw or teeth, unlike most vertebrates of the Middle Devonian period, which scientists believe was an ancient spondylitis. He lived in it 398-385 million years ago.
More recently, specifically in 2016, using computed tomography scanning technology, the Hirasau team was able to produce high-resolution digital images of the Palaeospondylus with the search for samples with a healthy tail to study the skeleton well. Initial results indicate the similarity of some of its characteristics with the ears of modern fish, birds and mammals. Confirming the existence of an evolutionary distance between archaic vertebrates and hagfishes, scientists arrive at a preliminary conclusion that archaea may be the ancestor of all tetrapods and a close aquatic ancestor of the first animals that crawled on land.
Hirasawa points out in a statement that there are important evolutionary features in the eel under study, and it is necessary to know the reason for the loss of these features in the middle between humans and eels, to know its exact location in the evolutionary tree and to reveal many of its ancient secrets.
