Spain: Scientists announce the discovery of the remains of the oldest human in Europe
                                                           Scientists announce the discovery of the remains of the oldest human in Europe 2572  
On Friday, July 8, 2022, Spanish paleontologists announced that they had discovered the remains of an ancient hominid estimated at this point at 1.4 million years old, making it, if dating is confirmed, the oldest hominid ever found in Europe.
The remains were discovered on June 30 at the Sima del Elefant excavation site, northeastern Spain, where paleontologists have been working since 1978, according to the foundation that manages the site.
The foundation said in a press release that these remains, which are about ten centimeters long, are "part of the face of a human being estimated to be about 1.4 million years old." But the foundation stressed that it needs more time to definitively determine the age of these remains.
It is noteworthy that at the same site, in 2007, jaw bones were found dating back about 1.2 million years, which is considered so far the oldest fossil of human ancestors in Europe.
Completing the analyzes will allow determining the human species to which this person belongs, and a better understanding of the way in which humans have evolved on the European continent. Until now, paleontologists have not been able to determine with certainty which species the jawbone discovered in 2007 belonged to.