Mistakes We Make With Our Children Because Of Our Lack Of Emotion And Our Feeling Of Injustice In Our Childhood
Mistakes We Make With Our Children Because Of Our Lack Of Emotion And Our Feeling Of Injustice In Our Childhood 2490 
We parents make mistakes that go back to our childhood.
1- A mistake we make because we feel a lack of emotion
Does this phrase remind you of painful things from your childhood?
  “They know I love them! “
We never show tenderness to the people around us. When they are young children, it is easy for us to tell them that they are what we have in the world, that we love them etc. But over the years, this habit gradually disappears.
When boys reach adolescence , for example, they are the ones who ask parents not to show their emotions because this makes them feel ashamed. Instead of responding to them, continue to show your love for them.
Parents who were deprived of tenderness and love in childhood cannot know their importance in raising their children.
Not showing emotions in front of children is not a strength, and drowning them in emotions does not weaken them. Do you agree with me on the importance of showing your affection for your children in every way?
2- A mistake we make with our children daily because of our selfishness
Does this sentence remind you of something related to your childhood?
“TV entertains them! “
Mistakes We Make With Our Children Because Of Our Lack Of Emotion And Our Feeling Of Injustice In Our Childhood 6219 
It is the disease of the modern age that you did not suffer from when you were young, because back then there were not so many TV channels, video games, social media, websites, etc.
You may have been upset a lot of times and got angry because your parents were sending you to your room without you watching TV.
Now, you think your kids can spend hours and hours in front of a screen to make up for this, and that's something that allows you to take the burden of watching them off your back.
Let us now speak frankly: Do you leave your children for such a long time in front of the television or electronic entertainment, because of making up for the shortcomings in your childhood or because they are distracted from you? Join the discussion with other parents you know to shed light on this common problem and ways to solve it.
3- A mistake we make with our children because of our feelings of injustice since childhood
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A sentence we repeat in front of our children because of a problem that occurred with us in our childhood...
“This professor is a failure, a slanderer, an abnormal...”
In the old days, when you came home with a bad sign, your parents would punish you.
Today when this happens, the parents rush to the professor to talk to him and ask him for explanations regarding his behavior towards their child.
Do not try to justify the boy thinking that the teacher has gone crazy or that this is not your son's fault.

Has this happened to you? Did you know that your angry reaction to the professor was caused by your feeling that you were wronged in childhood? On the Smart Education website , we hope that you tell us your experience in the comments. Share this article with other parents if you are convinced.