? When One Of The Parents Is Absent. How Do You Make Up For The Lack Of A Boy
? When One Of The Parents Is Absent. How Do You Make Up For The Lack Of A Boy 763
Absence of a parent
Some parents who raise their child on their own worry about the effects of the absence of a father or mother on their young child. However, it is possible to promote the development and growth of the child, even if one of the parents is absent or deceased.
I am a mother raising my child away from his father, so his father traveled to work in another country to improve our income.. On the one hand, it is good, as we can live with dignity and yes, but on the other hand, my child is growing day after day away from his father.. and I feel pain, so it is right My child is to grow up in his father’s arms as I grew up in the care of my loving father.. I don’t know what the solution is. My husband’s return is not possible in these circumstances that the country is going through, nor is it acceptable for my child to stay away from his father.. I am doing my best to make up for his deficiency.. You know In this article, how do you compensate the child for the deficiency in the event that one of the parents is absent?
? When One Of The Parents Is Absent. How Do You Make Up For The Lack Of A Boy 699
? How do we talk about the situation of life without a parent with our child
When a parent remains very attentive to their child's emotional needs, that child can grow and develop properly even if he or she lives in a family where there is no parent. Here's what you can do to explain the situation to your child and act in a way that allows him to adjust well in the context that suits you.
When the other party leaves, refusing to participate in the education:
Talk to your child about the circumstances surrounding your pregnancy. Even if he does not ask questions, from here begins his knowledge of himself and his identity. You can tell him: “You have a father, but you don’t know him because we no longer live together as lovers.” In cases of abandonment, you can say: "For reasons I don't know, he doesn't come to see you." Then focus on the important people in your little one's life: grandparents, uncles and aunts, aunts, neighbors, family friends. Reassure him that he is important to you and to the many adults around him.

Tell him the truth, without blaming the other parent or showing your sadness. Your child should understand how much love you feel for him, rather than the bad memories associated with his parents' relationship with each other. They told him that what happened was due to a disagreement between two parents, so that he would not feel guilty.
Allow your child to express his sadness or anger about the absence of his father or mother. The more he gets older, the more he will realize that many families consist of two parents present. His feelings are very normal and help him to express his sadness resulting from the absence of his mother or father.
Always reassure your child by telling him that you love him and that you are always here for him. If the other party refuses to intervene, your child will naturally wonder why his or her mother does not come and see him. Tell him that his father or mother has not had the chance to get to know him as you have, and he might be afraid of being abandoned again by the adults he loves. You must reassure him and tell him that you will always take care of him.

Do not try to justify or defend the absent parent, if the latter exercises his right to visit only on occasions or on an irregular basis. Introduce your child to the facts and talk to him about his feelings. For example, tell him, “It is true that your father should have come to see you today but he did not. It is normal to feel disappointed. I understand you. You have the right to feel resentment.” So, little by little, your child will mourn the perfect parent. He will learn to accept what this parent offers him, while he meets his needs through his relationships with other people.
It must be mentioned that these tips can also be applied in cases where one of the parents exercises his right to visit only on occasions or on an irregular basis. The child should feel loved and important to other adults . He will feel reassured knowing that he is valuable to people other than his absent father.
? When One Of The Parents Is Absent. How Do You Make Up For The Lack Of A Boy 2233
Tell the truth to your child, explaining your situation as a single parent, using age-appropriate words and answering his or her questions.
Reassure your child by telling him that you love him, that he is important to you and that you will always take care of him.
To help him meet some of his emotional needs, it is important that other adults around you act as role models for your child.
