Wrong ideas in education and its dire consequences: avoid them and do not fall into them

Welcome to all dear visitors, raising children is a very important issue and a life process in the fullest sense of the word because it simply consists in building and invigorating life in a small organism until it grows. Live in it and apply directly, in turn we limit many of these misconceptions and their application gives completely opposite results. In this article, let us learn about the most important of these misconceptions and warn against their application.
 Wrong ideas in education 2230
The most important misconceptions adopted in raising a child:
The first idea: letting the baby cry strengthens his lungs
Letting a baby cry teach him from birth that you will not and will not hear him, you will not and will not understand him, no and he will not depend on you because you failed him in his early days, months and years. Letting a baby cry reduces his intelligence in his early childhood, increases his rebelliousness and resentment in his adolescence, and loses him the ability to control his emotions in his youth. Leaving a baby crying is a crime against motherhood. Do not leave your baby crying alone.
The second idea: If the baby is full and clean, leave him to cry
A baby may not be able to express himself with words or signs, but there are many reasons for a baby's crying other than hunger and wetness! We may never know why your baby cries, but what we do know is that your baby needs your cuddles even when he cries.
The third idea: Do not carry the child so that he does not spoil
Neglect spoils the child, indifference spoils the child, ignoring the natural, temporary needs spoils the child! Baby needs cuddles always, even when he's sleeping! A child in his first year needs to go with you everywhere and not put him on the ground and leave him because you are the center of his whole world. Leaving your child like this and ignoring his needs makes him a sad, devastating zany buck. You will pay the price for refusing to meet the needs of your child in his first three years for the rest of your life without exaggeration.
Fourth idea: The child should sleep independently (from birth / after six months)

The child sleeps as much as he needs, most children need to sleep next to the mother for several years until they move to their own room. This is normal. Why? Because in the beginning the child needs to breastfeed a lot during the night and feel safe and peaceful while hearing the breath of his mother and smelling her scent. After that, the child begins to have a sleep phobia. The child cries and resists sleep and drowsiness in all ways. The reason is fear. The child is afraid of falling asleep, afraid the moment he closes his eyes, afraid the moment he wakes up from sleep, the child is afraid of what he does not understand and does not realize. With time, repetition, and a sense of security before, during sleep, and upon awakening, the fear goes away and the child's sleep becomes normal.
When does the child go to his room? When he is ready, when he chooses, when he does not weep, does not compel, and is indomitable every night until he despairs and sleeps.
Fifth idea: The child should go to the nursery (to learn to speak, be social, and prepare for school):
A child learns to speak when he finds someone to talk to with love, attention and detail. The child learns to speak from his parents and his surrounding environment. A child does not learn to speak in the nursery unless he has no one to talk to at home. As for the social aspect, this is also the source of the house and its surroundings. The child learns social, behaviors, compliments, duties and feelings in his home and through interaction with his family, neighbors and the circles around him.
It is important for every mother to know that the crying of the child in the nursery is not normal and the reason why he stopped crying is despair
When does the child go to nursery school?
When it is ready gradually. At the age of two, three, four or five. The more you try to separate him from you before his time, the more he loses confidence in you and himself.
The sixth idea: the child uses the “botie” at (one and a half / two years)
The child uses the potty when his bladder and muscles are mature and he can stay without the need to urinate for at least two hours. Any attempt to impose boti on a child is a violation and a series of insults and attacks on him.
Seventh idea: You are more knowledgeable than your child about his needs
Your child is a human being like you and has needs similar to yours, but this does not give you the right to assume these needs and claim knowledge of them. You will know your child's needs when you look at him, observe him, and understand his attempts to communicate with you.
Eighth thought: You are always right
We all make mistakes, but the important thing is to learn from mistakes and not be stubborn to reduce the size of your mistakes. Put yourself in your child's place and try to see the situation through it. Be fair and right and try to understand your child's motives and needs.
The ninth idea: All children are the same
No children are the same. The outlines may be the same, but the details are completely different. Not all children start eating at the same time, they do not like the same things, and they do not eat the same amounts. Apply this rule to breastfeeding, weaning, sleeping, independence, preparation for nursery, dealing with strangers, dealing with relatives, abilities and skills.

The tenth idea: The child learns to hit
There is no light blow and a strong blow A light blow is like the fatal slap. When you hit your child, he sees your weakness, despair and ignorance and despises you inside him and feels alienated from you and whatever you try to teach him. If you look at him well and you hit him, you will see how much he despise you. This negatively affects him at all levels.
