?? Some of the wrong behaviors of my child, and how can I help him to stop them

Welcome to all dear visitors to my child’s world, they say that education in childhood is like engraving on a stone, meaning that what a child learns in his first years may not be erased until the last day of his life, so you cannot ignore anything no matter how small, and in many cases, your child may act In an unacceptable manner and does not undergo any evaluation and then continues with his wrong behaviors because you thought that they were normal behaviors for any child, but this small behavior may grow with him with the passage of days and you may not be able to control it after that.
?? Some of the wrong behaviors of my child, and how can I help him to stop them 2270
So, learn about some of these small behaviors to cut the error from its roots before it grows up:
1. Teach your child that he can't talk whenever he likes:
Children like to have everyone pay attention to them and have all their demands met immediately. This can often lead them to interrupt you while you are talking or busy with something, but if you ignore this behavior and respond to it, your child will get used to interrupting everyone and not respecting their speech.
- And make sure your child stops this behavior, by following the following method:
Whenever your child interrupts you, tell him that what you say or do is important and that he should wait until you are done with it. And beware of fulfilling his requests if he demands them in this manner, because he will think that his behavior is correct and will persist in it forever.
2. Teach your child that the truth is indivisible:
Who among us does not like children’s exaggerated responses and their fairy tales, but keeping up with them is not in their interest at all. When children get used to exaggeration and stay away from the details of the truth they learn to lie, it is better not to encourage them to do so.
- And even stop this behavior in your little one: if you notice that your child is lying, face the matter and advise him to tell the truth, and in return when he tells the truth, be sure to praise and reward him.
3. Teach your child that not paying attention is an undesirable behavior:
In many cases, children tend to pretend not to pay attention, especially when their names are called or a request or advice is given to them, which is an undesirable behavior, especially if it goes too far.
- Until your child stops this behavior: every time your child does not respond to your call, go to his room or the place where he is and speak to him directly so as not to leave any room for him to escape. talk to him.

[scroll]4. Teach your child the difference between being witty and belittling others.
Even if your child is still in his early years, this does not give him the right to make fun of his friends or family members, and if you ignore this behavior because of his young age, the matter will only develop for the worse over the years.
- To stop this behavior in your child, help him to understand the ugliness of such behavior so that he does not repeat it and do not ignore it or make it pass unnoticed.
5. Teach your child the virtue of asking permission:
Of course, your heart will be happy if you find your child self-reliant in his early years, but if you let him take everything he sees in front of him and everything he likes without referring to you, over time, you will be surprised that he does this even outside the framework of the house.

- Therefore and in order to avoid this behavior, set general rules regarding the use of all household purposes, and your child must also understand the importance of asking permission from you first before using anything, so that his actions are calculated and under your control.
