The absent truth
The absent truth 11041
*Dr. Faraj Fouda* was killed because of his book *"The Absent Truth"* in which he said:
Othman was killed... by Muslims
Ali was killed... by Muslims
Then Hussein was killed and his head was cut off... by Muslim hands
Al-Hassan was poisoned and betrayed... at the hands of Muslims
Two of the missionaries of Paradise, Talha and Al-Zubair, were killed by Muslims.
In a battle in which Ali and Aisha were two sides (the Battle of the Camel)... Muslims were killed by Muslims.
In a battle in which Ali and Muawiya were two sides (the Battle of Siffin)... Muslims were killed by Muslims
In a battle in which “Ali” and his “followers” were both sides (the Battle of Nahrawan)... Muslims were killed by Muslims
In a battle in which the two sides were "Hussein" and "Yazid"... 73 members of the family of the Messenger of God were slaughtered by Muslims.
In the battle to suppress the revolt of the "people of Medina" against the rule of the "Umayyads" in anger over the killing of Hussein... 700 immigrants and Ansar were killed by 12 thousand forces of the Muslim Umayyad army.
In the Battle of Al-Harrah, in which Muslim bin Uqba led the Umayyad army, his friend, the companion Maqil bin Sinan Al-Ashja’i (he witnessed the conquest of Mecca and narrated hadiths and was virtuous and pious) came to him and made him speak harshly about Yazid bin Muawiyah after he killed Al-Hussein... and he became angry with him. ..and kill him!
Abu Lahab and Abu Jahl did not dare to hit the Kaaba with a catapult and demolish parts of it...but Al-Husayn bin Numayr, the commander of Abdul Malik bin Marwan’s army, did it during their siege of Mecca.
The "Jews" or "infidels" never dared to offend the mosque of the Messenger of God...but the commander of the army of Yazid bin Muawiyah did so when he turned the mosque for three nights into a stable, in which horses urinated.
During the caliphate of Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan: Abdullah ibn al-Zubayr (Ibn Asma Dhat al-Nitaqiyyin) was killed by Muslims.
During the caliphate of Hisham bin Abdul Malik: Zaid bin Zain Al-Abidin bin Al-Hussein (a descendant of the Prophet) was not only killed... but they crucified him naked at the gate of Damascus... for four years... then they burned him.
When Muawiyah bin Yazid (the third caliph of the Umayyads) approached his death (and he was righteous, unlike his father), they said to him: Entrust whomever you see among the people of your household?! So he said: By God, I have not tasted the sweetness of your caliphate, so how can I bear its burden!! Oh God, I am innocent of her and abandon her.
When his mother (the wife of Yazid bin Muawiyah, who killed Hussein) heard his words, she said: I wish I were a menstrual rag and had not heard these words from you. Some accounts say that his family were the ones who poisoned him to death because he refused to fight the Muslims, after he had assumed the caliphate for only three months and he was 22 years old.
Then “Al-Walid bin Atba bin Abi Sufyan” prayed over him, and they had chosen him as his successor, but he was stabbed after the second takbir... and fell dead before completing the funeral prayer. So they presented “Othman bin Atba bin Abi Sufyan” to be the caliph, and they said: We pledge allegiance to you?! He said: “On the condition that I will not fight or engage in combat.” They refused, so he walked to Mecca and joined Abdullah bin Al-Zubair. They killed him.
Yes, the Umayyads killed each other.
Then the Commander of the Faithful, Marwan bin Al-Hakam, was killed by Muslims
Then the Commander of the Faithful, Omar bin Abdul Aziz, was killed by Muslims
Then the Commander of the Faithful, Al-Walid bin Yazid, was killed by Muslims
Then the Commander of the Faithful, Ibrahim bin Al-Walid, was killed by Muslims.
Then the last Umayyad caliph was killed... by Abu Muslim Al-Khurasani...
The absent truth 1-967
Abu Al-Abbas - the first Abbasid Caliph - killed all the remaining descendants of the Umayyads, children of the caliphs, and only those who remained were infants or fled to Andalusia.
He gave his orders to his soldiers to exhume the graves of the Umayyads in Damascus. He exhumed the grave of Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan, but they did not find anything in it except a thread. He exhumed the grave of Yazid bin Muawiyah and found rubble like ashes in it. He exhumed the grave of Abdul Malik and found it intact, with nothing damaged except the tip of his nose. So he beat him with whips... and crucified him. ..and burn it..and scatter it in the wind..
Without the efforts and popularity of the Muslim leader, Abu Muslim Al-Khurasani, who plotted and planned to end Umayyad rule, the Abbasid state would not have been established. Al-Ma’mun said about him: “The greatest kings of the earth are three, and they are the ones who transferred and transformed states: Alexander, Ardashir, and Abu Muslim Al-Khurasani.” When “Abu Al-Abbas” died, he was succeeded by “his brother Abu Jaafar Al-Mansur.” He feared that the popularity of his friend, Abu Muslim Al-Khurasani, would make him covet the kingship. So he consulted his friends, and they advised him to kill him. So he planned a plot against his friend... and killed him... when he was 37 years old!
In a battle in which two sides were "Ansar Abu Muslim" and "the Abbasid army"... thousands of Muslims were killed..
Shajarat al-Durr killed Izz al-Din Aybak, and Aybak’s wife killed Shajarat al-Durr by throwing clogs.
After the death of Ertugrul, a dispute broke out between his “brother” Dundar and his “son” Osman, which ended with Osman killing his “uncle” and seizing power, and thus the Ottoman Empire was established.
His grandson, “Murad I,” when he became sultan, he also killed his “brothers,” Ibrahim and Khalil, for fear of their ambitions. Then, when he was on his deathbed in the Battle of Kosovo in 1389, he issued instructions to strangle his “son,” Jacob, so that he would not compete with his “brother” in his succession.
Sultan Mehmed II (who conquered Istanbul) issued a legal fatwa in which he permitted the Sultan’s killing of his brother for the sake of the unity of the state and its highest interests.
Sultan Murad III killed his five brothers immediately after he was installed as Sultan, succeeding his father.
His son Muhammad III was no less a criminal, as he killed his nineteen brothers immediately after assuming power, becoming the record holder in this field.
Turkish journalist Rahmi Tarwan adds in an article entitled “Memories of Kings,” saying: “Mehmed III was not satisfied with that, so he killed his young son Mahmoud, who was 16 years old, so that power would remain for his 14-year-old son, Sultan Ahmed, who... He later became famous for building the Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Blue Mosque) in Istanbul.
When the Ottoman Empire wanted to extend its influence over Cairo, they killed fifty thousand Egyptian Muslims.
“Sultan Selim” sent a request to “Tuman Bay” for subordination to the Ottoman Empire in exchange for keeping him as ruler of Egypt. He rejected the offer. He did not surrender. He organized ranks. (His friend) Sheikh Hassan bin Mar’i... his friend denounced him... and he was killed... and thus Egypt became an Ottoman state.
Sultan Selim then killed his two “brothers” because they rejected the violent style he adopted during his rule.
In all of the above:
Those who were "killed" wanted an Islamic caliphate
And those who were “killed” wanted an Islamic caliphate...

Source: websites