7Ways to avoid over-pampering your child
 7Ways to avoid over-pampering your child 2238
Establishing clear and firm rules in dealing with your toddler is an essential matter that helps him take responsibility , and also controls the possibility of excessive pampering and pampering, intentionally or unintentionally. And know that raising a polite and sensible child requires you to be decisive in some situations, and to say “no” sometimes.
If you give him lots of cuddles and attention, you won't over-pamper your child, but the task of nurturing and discipline will become easier. The reason is that he trusts you then and your decisions and choices to keep him happy and safe.

There are simple steps that you can take to get rid of any behavior that indicates excessive pampering of your child from the beginning.
.1Set clear boundaries for your toddler
It is important to be clear about what is and is not allowed. If you leave any room for hesitation, prepare yourself to argue with your toddler later. A good example of this is when you are asked to eat an unhealthy snack . Look at the difference between "Okay, you can have a cookie" and "You can have one cookie, but don't ask for more." The first option does not exclude getting another biscuit. The second option lets your child know exactly where to stop.
.2Stick to your limits and rules consistently
One piece really means one piece. It's easy to tell your toddler you won't get more than one cookie. Then you start to wonder: Is there a problem with him getting another cookie today? But it is important to think long term. It is very difficult for him to understand why some days there is no problem in eating two or three biscuits, while other times he is only allowed to eat one and only one. This may lead to severe anger and nervous outbursts because he will be frustrated as a result of the lack of stability and regularity . Make it easy for you and him by sticking to a certain limit.
.3Don't give in to your toddler's urges
Never give in to urgency. The first time you give in to your toddler's urges, you've taught him that it works. The next time he wants something and you say "no" to him , that won't be the end of the conversation. He will beg for you to grant his wish. Ignore the urgency from the start and let him know that this is a waste of time and will save you a lot of effort.
.4Ask your toddler to explain when he asks for something different
If your toddler asks you for something and you're not sure you want to let him, ask him to explain why he thinks it's a good thing to ask. If he wants to watch a DVD or use his tablet or laptop to watch a cartoon, for example, and he explains that he has arranged all his games , you will feel more comfortable saying "yes."
.5Give your toddler some chores and chores
When you introduce your toddler to some simple household chores, he'll start learning lessons about responsibility early on. The key to this is getting him involved in what you're doing rather than setting tasks for him to do alone. For example, when you hang out the laundry, he's more likely to want to pass the clothes out of the basket. Give him thanks and tell him that his work has been very helpful. You may find that he volunteers to help out with quite a few errands around the house!
.6Help your toddler deal with disappointment
It's normal to hate seeing your toddler upset, but disappointment in life is sometimes inevitable! You can make him feel familiar with little things, like keeping him from getting a new toy while you're shopping, which will develop him basic skills to accept that become invaluable as he gets older.
.7Encourage your toddler to earn his own rewards
The easiest way to pamper your toddler is to give him everything he wants very easily. It is much better to give him a gift as a reward for his good behavior than "just because...". If he really wants a new game, you can set up an asterisk chart that he needs to earn in order to buy him the new game. Every time he does a good job, give him a star. He will feel the true meaning of achievement when he finally gets what he wants, and will not regard it as an achievement.

Find out more tips for raising boys or girls and which ones work best for girls .
