10Historical mysteries that have puzzled scientists for decades, but they came to explain them through modern technology
Scientists are making strenuous efforts to reveal the secrets of history, and during the search process, some mysteries stand in front of them that they cannot solve, but with the help of new technology they were able to solve some of these puzzles, and this is what we will show you today: 12 recently solved historical puzzles.
1. The disappearance of the Nazca civilization
The Nazca people gained wide fame due to huge drawings that were discovered on the surface of the Nazca Desert in Peru. There are many theories about these drawings and their origins, but scientists settled on one explanation, which is that the Nazca people used to use geoglyphs (which are large drawings found on the ground and usually made of rocks). Interlocking or similarly similar elements of the landscape (such as stones, stone shards, trees, or pebbles) to communicate with the deities by moving along those lines, the disappearance of the Nazca civilization remained a puzzle until recently when Cambridge researchers proved that those Civilization has disappeared due to drought caused by deforestation.
10Historical mysteries that have puzzled scientists for decades, but they came to explain them through modern technology 2210
2. The Secret of the Heads of Easter Island
Easter Island (an island in the Pacific Ocean) is famous for having some statues and no one knows where the rest of the structures of those statues are and what they were made of? But the mythologist Thor Heyerdahl came to reveal the secrets of that island and its stone statues. He launched an expedition to the island, and was the first to do excavations at the site, and discovered that the heads of Moi (this name was given to those statues) already have bodies that may reach a height of some 20 Ahead, however, the biggest discovery is his experiment which proved that the statues were made of some tools that were likely popular among the people at the time.
10Historical mysteries that have puzzled scientists for decades, but they came to explain them through modern technology 2313
3. Chilean Whale Cemetery
A huge cemetery of whales was found in the middle of the Atacama Desert in Chile, and scientists could not explain the reason behind such a mass event of whales until it was found that the remains belong to different time periods, the first of which occurred about 20,000 years ago, and the reason behind the disappearance of sea giants is the prosperity of Toxic algae.
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4. There are ambiguous notes in a copy of The Odyssey
A 500-year-old version of the Odyssey (the Odyssey in Greek is a poetic epic set by Homer in the 8th century BC) appeared with strange handwritten notes in an unknown language, and Italians Daniele Mitelli and Giulia Acetà identified that the notes were a unique type of shorthand (a way of using symbols). instead of words) invented by Jean Colonne de Thévenot, and thanks to technological advances and full access to data they were able to discover these mysteries. Nevertheless, the reduction itself proved to be more surprising than its meaning: it was just a French translation from the Greek.
10Historical mysteries that have puzzled scientists for decades, but they came to explain them through modern technology 2511
5. Black Stream in Florida
Archaeologists discovered a stream in the Osella River, south of Tallahassee, Florida several years ago, but due to the darkness of the stream, diving there was impossible until Jesse Halligan (a professor at Florida State University) decided to conduct research in this stream, and her project achieved unexpected results. Its expedition discovered mastodon tusks that had long grooves in addition to human tools, and the discovery strongly indicates that humans inhabited the Florida region much earlier than initially thought, dating back 14,500 years.
10Historical mysteries that have puzzled scientists for decades, but they came to explain them through modern technology 2611
6. The oldest computer in Greece
It was called the Antikythera machine, and it is the first computer in the world, and it was found on a sunken ship during the period from 50-80 BC, and they found it in a miserable condition, with the pieces of wood in it damaged, in addition to the completely corroded metal parts in it. The recent discovery of the purpose for which it was made was a navigation device, it is amazing that such a sophisticated machine existed at that time, and it should be noted that no other such mechanism was invented until after a thousand years had passed.
10Historical mysteries that have puzzled scientists for decades, but they came to explain them through modern technology 2712
7. The lost army of King Cambyses II
The army of the Persian king Cambyses II (the king of the Persians, the son of the Persian Shah, Cyrus the Great) declared war against the Ethiopians in 524 BC, and the king mobilized more than 50,000 soldiers with the aim of capturing the oases, but the entire army disappeared without a trace, leaving only a legend . But the remains of the legendary army were found by Angelo and Alfredo Castiglioni, proving that the warriors not only disappeared, but were killed in a violent sandstorm.
10Historical mysteries that have puzzled scientists for decades, but they came to explain them through modern technology 2810
8. Head tattoo
There was a head called a tattooed head and it was unknown for two centuries because of its poor condition, but thanks to modern technology, especially lasers, they were able to identify the 350-pound head as belonging to a large statue of the Roman Emperor Trajan, and it is now believed that the statue was welcomed by travelers in the port of Chichester, while the cape itself became one of the most important monuments of Roman Britain.
10Historical mysteries that have puzzled scientists for decades, but they came to explain them through modern technology 2910
9. Moving rocks in the Valley of the Dead
The rocks in this valley in California raised a lot of questions, as they are always moving despite their heavy weights, and they do not move within days, but within years, we find traces of their movement, and there was no explanation for this phenomenon until Ralph Lorenz proved that a crust of ice forms around Rocks In the winter, when the snow melts, the rocks begin to slide because of the wind.
10Historical mysteries that have puzzled scientists for decades, but they came to explain them through modern technology 3113
10. The Disappearance of Richard III's Tomb
The prevailing information was that Richard III's tomb had been demolished and his body thrown into the river after the monastery in which he was buried was purchased by a private businessman, but after the efforts of scientists from the University of Leicester to search for his remains, they found the remains and after examining them and doing a DNA test Wee her turned out to be King Richard III.
10Historical mysteries that have puzzled scientists for decades, but they came to explain them through modern technology 3212
11. The Missing Crew of Mary Celeste
The Mary Celeste is a famous ghost ship that was found in 1872 without a trace of its crew or any damage, and the chemist Dr. Andrea Sella conducted an experiment that explained the phenomenon. There were about 1,700 barrels of alcohol in the cargo ship that was on fire and after the fire broke out a cold wind left no fire or soot left, so the crew had to abandon the ship and perish at sea.
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12. The Pharaonic Egypt Helicopter
Abydos hieroglyphs in the Temple of Osiris caused a great deal of discussion due to the alleged symbols of a helicopter, a tank, and even a jet plane, and there were many theories resulting from the secret knowledge of the ancient Egyptians.
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However, scientists were able to recover the original hieroglyphs and prove that they were just symbols that had been distorted by weather and time and that we saw them in this way as a result of the familiarity of these shapes in our brain.
10Historical mysteries that have puzzled scientists for decades, but they came to explain them through modern technology 3612
Of course, after listing the solutions to these puzzles, you will have a huge amount of information that you can impress your friends with, do not forget to share with us which of this information impressed you the most.
