?How Do You Teach Your Child To Defend Himself
                                                          ?How Do You Teach Your Child To Defend Himself 2554 
Defending himself:
Recently my son started coming home from school and he is sad.. when I was asking him.. do you have a problem? He would reply to me: “I’m fine” and go to his room, but I know my son and I know he has a problem.. So what should I do.. One night while I was talking to him, I felt that he was talking to me freely and suddenly he asked me: “Mama, how can I be strong?” ”
strong? My heart is enchanted..why does he ask me this..is there anyone who would harm him? Anyone beat him? And here I learned what my son's problem is..he feels weak and unable to defend himself..
I know that what my child suffers from is your problem as well..
Have you taught your child to understand that the people around him are not all good? As your child grows up, he will gradually realize on his own that there are people who really like to hurt others. Have you taught your child to stand up for himself when faced with this type of person? Our surroundings help us develop good and bad behaviors on a daily basis. For this reason, the child must learn as much as possible to distinguish between people who want his good and those who try to harm him. In this way, he will avoid attracting troubled people who will not do him any favors.
?How Do You Teach Your Child To Defend Himself 6242 
Be careful! Self-defense without the use of violence
We often confuse self-defense with violence when evaluating children's reactions to heated arguments or conflicts. The two concepts are completely unlike each other in terms of content. The child may feel that someone is trying to physically or verbally abuse him. In this case, he has the full right to respond and defend himself and his dignity.
Getting to a point where violence is the only solution to self-defense cannot be justified under any circumstances. Unfortunately, this is what is happening with children already.
We must not forget that the tensions, heated discussions and fights that adults feel also happen with children. This type of situation can affect the child's personality. Violence is only a quick fix, a solution for people who have reached a point of despair, and who do not know how to use more effective methods.
We often fail to distinguish between self-defense and violence, but these two concepts are completely different in meaning. In violence, an act is done that aims to attack another person, while self-defence requires preventing someone from attacking us.
Violence, then, is a behavior that aims to harm the other, while self-defence contributes to keeping us safe without necessarily seeking to harm the other person.

In order to prevent your child from having difficulties and to help him connect with others, remember to teach him basic values. Especially teach him that violence should not interfere with self-defense.
How do you teach your child to defend himself?
Encourage him to try to understand the motives of others, and to see things more objectively to avoid focusing on seeing himself as a victim. Remember that this is a good exercise to teach him to handle conflict properly.
Let him know that other people's insults are of little importance when they are unfounded. It is important for your child to have confidence in himself without caring about what others say about him or his actions.
Be careful not to show your child the same harmful behavior towards other children. This is not a way to gain the respect of others, and it is not a way to successfully develop healthy relationships.
Let him understand clearly that violence is never a solution. It is possible to strike very easily, but there are results. Avoid encouraging him to be aggressive as this only serves to give him inappropriate values.
Never encourage him to run away. However, it is best to teach him how to avoid conflict, if possible.
Allow him to express his feelings and emotions without feeling that you are going to judge him. It is very important that you listen to him carefully, this will help him regain his calm and release his tensions. In addition, you will create a greater sense of trust if you allow him to express himself and share what is bothering him with you.
We usually don't give much importance to what children are trying to explain to us, or what might affect them. However, we must remember that the problem may be larger and more important to them. That is why we must listen to them carefully, so that we can give them the best advice.
What if the problem remains?
If your child learns to defend himself, and yet one of the children manages to bully him in spite of that. He must then be taught to seek the help of an adult in order to be able to find a solution to the conflict and to apply the necessary deterrent measures. Do not, under any pretext, allow your child to be physically abused.
Teach your child that there is more to be gained and understood through empathy and respect for others than violence can do for us.
On the other hand, when an adult is involved, you will realize that if you treat an abusive child with respect and kindness, you will succeed in getting them to understand why they shouldn't continue to hurt others to feel better.
or a child who is trying to hurt others, just treating them kindly will make them wonder what is going on around them and will help them put an end to their negative behaviour.
On the other hand, this will definitely be a first sign of affection for him, so that he can understand that hurting is a bad way to get attention. It is also a clear indication of a lack of self-control and even extreme emotional deprivation.

Martial arts are very popular, but remember that there are activities that can be adopted to teach a child to defend themselves without using violence. These are activities such as volleyball, tennis, soccer, etc.
How is that? The child learns to defend himself through these sports because they are all based on many “offensive” and 
“defense” strategies that help children to deal better with conflicts.
