The Problem Of Peeing In The Bed: How To Solve It Within A Week
The Problem Of Peeing In The Bed 2556 
Bed-wetting: Almost all families
go through bed-wetting, which can be difficult for both children and parents. In 2009, Alicia Eaton published a book on the subject called Mettre fin au pipi au lit en sept jours, republished to mark the tenth anniversary of the first edition: A guide that has helped many families! In this book, the British, a clinical hypnotherapist and NLP expert, explains how, according to the Daily Mail, we can put an end to bed-wetting or incontinence thanks to the 19 golden rules. At the beginning of the book, the author points out that it is advisable to read all the rules before starting to apply them so that the reader has a comprehensive view of the method.

Is the child ready to find a solution to the problem of bed-wetting?
"Is my son ready?" This is the number one question parents should ask, according to Alicia Eaton. They should wonder if their child is ready to start this programme, if he wants to change the status quo, etc... She advises parents not to choose a time when the child's mind is preoccupied with many things: during a week when he has a lot of homework or when he has an exam at school, etc…
Keep a diary
The expert points out that the child's habits should be written down in a notebook or log. Important information should be recorded, such as the number of times the child urinated in bed last night, the hour in which it happened, if he had a busy day, if he exercised and was very thirsty, if he was nervous, and what he ate and drank.
baby room arrangement
The child should feel confident to get out of bed and go to the bathroom during the night. The thought of having toys on the floor of his room and the possibility of him trampling on them, could prevent him from getting up. A tidy room means a calm and relaxed mind!
Lighting his way to the bathroom
Some boys are afraid to get out of bed at night because the road to the bathroom is dark. Alicia Eaton advises lighting it, making sure that the lights are not so strong that it prevents the child from sleeping. For example, you can place night lights or dim lights in the corridor. Another good option is to place a potty next to the bed for children who are very frightened.
Equipping and organizing the bathroom
If your child knows that he will find it difficult to reach the tissues in the toilet, he will be very reluctant to get out of bed and go to the bathroom while you sleep. Alicia Eaton recommends setting the bathroom in a way that allows the child to reach what he needs easily and to feel that it is adapted to suit him.
Empty the bladder well before bed
The expert believes that the child should go to the bathroom twice before going to sleep in order to empty his bladder well and reduce the possibility of feeling the need to urinate during the night.

Avoid describing his sleep as heavy and deep
Some parents say that their child wets the bed because he “sleeps heavy”. But Alicia Eaton thinks it's best to avoid such talk. In fact, the boy will memorize this information if it is repeated and will convince himself that he cannot wake up at night when he feels the need to urinate.