4Signs Or Signals That Your Daughter Or Son Has A Big Problem And You Should Intervene To Help Him
4Signs Or Signals That Your Daughter Or Son Has A Big Problem And You Should Intervene To Help Him 2249
Pay attention, parents, to these signs, as they indicate that your son or daughter is suffering from a problem and you must intervene to save them
What are the reasons why teens make choices that destroy their lives and why do they succumb to peer pressure? Is your son or
?daughter taking a dangerous path

Beware, parents, of these signs and warnings:
First warning: isolation from the family
If the teenager begins to spend a long time away from home, locks himself in his room, or rather begins to isolate from the family, you should sound the alarm. This is an indication of something that your son or daughter is exposed to, and it is your responsibility and the father's responsibility to know the reason behind this change.
Second warning: very high mood swings
Has your son gone from a cheerful, jolly boy to a nervous, nervous boy? Don't take this as a normal teenage reaction.
You, the parents, should pay attention, as he may spend his time with bad companions or suffer from hormonal, nervous or social fluctuations. Do not leave it because the problem may grow and know that it is never too late when it comes to our children
Third warning: Begins to drink alcohol or use drugs
Beware, parents, of any indication that he is taking drugs or drinking alcohol. They rescued them before it was too late and they intervened fiercely. Always keep an eye on teenagers and don't let them out of your sight.
Fourth Warning: Not interested or indifferent to anything
Do not return the violations he does or his absence without permission or his stealing simple things to the teenager saying that he is a teenager.

When you find him disinterested or indifferent about something and he doesn't care about the consequences of what he's doing, know that this is another warning and it indicates that he doesn't have the ability to connect between his choices and their consequences.
Other warnings that may indicate that he is in trouble:
His school grades are dropping, his language has become street language (the language of the street), his loss of interest in his hobbies, and his disrespect for family
Do not try to live in denial. And do not laugh at yourselves that these bad things happen to other children. Make sure you understand the consequences of his actions. Make sure he lives in harmony with the values you hold in your family
