Soft drinks... canned poisons
Soft drinks... canned poisons 2260
Among the common drinks, those carbonated, with great harm to health. In an interview with Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, nutritionist Maya Abu Joudeh explains that the harm is not limited to regular soft drinks , as many believe, but also to those related to diet, even if they are free of sugar.
a lot of sugar
The first problem with soft drinks is that they contain high levels of sugar; One bottle of it contains 10 spoons of sugar and 150 calories, which is a very high amount, because more than one bottle can be eaten per day without providing any feeling of satiety or sufficiency.
The harms of sugar are many, and due to its presence in such large quantities in soft drinks, it is necessary for those who used to eat them to beware of what they may be exposed to: tooth decay, and obesity, since sugars turn into fats in the body. On the other hand, the acid contained in soft drinks causes a lot of harm to the body, as it is a chemical that negatively affects the health of bones, teeth and stomach. The acid in soft drinks exceeds that in the stomach, which threatens to cause ulcers, reflux of food and gas, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Between soft drinks and juice
In a comparison between soft drinks and juices, Abou Jaoude points out that they all contain about the same amount of calories. In a small glass of juice 120 calories, while in a bottle of soft drinks 150 calories. On the other hand, we must not forget that natural juices contain natural sugar, while soft drinks contain white sugar, and therefore have no benefits in this regard.
At the same time, the rates of absorption of this type of sugar in the body increase, compared to that found in juices, which increases its damage to the body. You can also benefit from the many nutritional components found in juices. On the other hand, the type of sugar used in the manufacture of soft drinks contributes to an increased risk of liver disease and high levels of triglycerides in the blood, as studies have shown.
What about diet soft drinks?
Many people think that special diet sodas can be consumed without controls, because they do not contain sugar, and are an ally for fitness and health. In fact, Abu Joudeh stresses that just because soft drinks are for diet, it does not mean that they can be consumed in unlimited quantities; Because the controversy still exists about the harmfulness of the artificial sugar substitute used in it. Some studies show that it may not affect blood sugar levels directly, but it contributes to an increase in the desire of those who swallow this type of drink to eat any source of sugar to satisfy a desire that he finds difficult to resist, and tends to eat sugar-rich food, and causes an imbalance in insulin levels. .

No soft drinks for children
Abu Joudeh advises not to skip the rate of one bottle of soft drinks every five days, and warns children against consuming this type of beverage, as it is common today and is dangerously prevalent, because its negative effects are many on their bone health and growth, because they are supposed to drink water, milk and other things. Calcium-rich foods and drinks, while they drink soft drinks. Thus, the gaseous components that children need in their growth are replaced by unhealthy components, which cause harm to their growth and health, and even negatively affect the positive role played by healthy components. Thus, the child should not take any carbonated drinks with food.