Beware.. Seven dangers when changing clothes in front of children..
Beware.. Seven dangers when changing clothes in front of children.. 2587 
Some mothers and fathers change their clothes in front of their children and sometimes they strip in front of them and bathe with them, and this does not constitute a psychological crisis for the young child if he is less than two years old because sexual thinking has not yet entered the child’s mind and he cannot realize what it is. he sees it.
But experts and psychologists believe that after the child reaches the age of four, he should not change clothes in front of him, because the child then begins to talk about what he sees and begins to wonder about the genitals and other parts of the body.
Here are several important risks and facts about undressing or changing clothes in front of children.
1- When knowing the different parts of the body, the perception of each child varies, just as the child’s modesty differs according to what he is accustomed to, and because he may unintentionally talk about what he sees to others, so it is better not to be naked in front of him, starting from the age of three and a half, even if the parents notice that the child is well aware Before reaching this age, they begin to implement.
2- The mother must return herself not to change the child’s clothes in front of someone else until he gets used to not seeing anyone naked, and she must teach him not to allow anyone else to touch him except her, his father and the rest of the family if he is used to going to them and seeing them often. .
3- You can tell him that his body belongs to him only and that his parents see him because he is young and can not rely on himself yet, but after he grows up and can, he will be the only one who sees him.
4- One of the mistakes that fathers may unintentionally make is to degrade the genitals or frighten children from them, so they relate to them negatively. Therefore, we sometimes see girls who are shy to the pathological form after marriage.
5- Children should not be naked in front of each other, even if they are of the same sex or brothers, so that they become accustomed to privacy and modesty since childhood.
6- Some children may be naked in front of each other afterwards for the purpose of discovering and knowing the differences between them, and this may happen between the different sexes in particular, and the matter may develop into something worse than that, so the matter must be prevented from the beginning.
7- The mother should not be angry and be calm if the child asks her about something he has seen, because the reactions affect the child’s personality negatively later and will make him want to know the matter more. Therefore, she should direct her child to follow the correct behavior without being reprimanded or reprimand him