My child is stealing! .. Causes and treatment
My child is stealing! .. Causes and treatment 1301
Theft for a child is his attempt to own something that he feels he owns. The child does not understand the concept of theft, its meaning and dimensions for society, religion, morals, and law.
Therefore; Parents should explain to their child the necessity of asking permission if he wants to take something that is not his property, and if he gets permission he takes it, otherwise his act is considered stealing, and thus the children learn that stealing is a wrong act.
Causes of child theft
Children steal for several reasons, the most important of which are:

Sometimes the main cheerleader for a child is his or her parents; ie: when a child steals something; The game of his friend or relative, for example, the parents may resort to laughter, or indifference towards this behavior, and thus the child feels happy thinking that it is a good job.
The child's motive for theft may be revenge, for example, some children imagine or feel neglected or hated by their parents, as a result of their strict style, so children resort to theft with the aim of revenge. him because of his superiority and distinction over him.
A child may resort to stealing with the aim of curiosity, for example, a parent may have a great interest in a certain thing, preventing his child from approaching him, and here the child resorts to stealing for the sake of curiosity and to identify the thing that his parents hide from him.
Some may be surprised that excessive pampering is one of the motives for stealing in children, but yes, this is the reality. A child who is used to getting anything he wants, and then was surprised by the rejection and ban of one of his requests, may resort to stealing to get it.
Sometimes the motive for theft may be the child’s feeling of frustration and discomfort, so he resorts to stealing as a means of psychological comfort, for example, he may steal money to buy a toy or food he loves to keep him away from the pressures he feels.
Fear of punishment:
Here, it should be emphasized that the child resorts to stealing as a way to save him from punishment that he may be exposed to from adults; (father, mother, teacher..); For losing one of the items, or money for example, he may resort to stealing his colleague in this case.
That is, some children may watch, for example, special games with their friends and brag about them, so they feel jealous, and they may resort to stealing money to buy a game similar to it or better than it; So that they could brag about it as their companions, claiming that their parents or a relative had bought it for them.
Treating the problem of theft in children
After a number of the most important reasons for children to steal, how can the child's behavior be treated? It can be done by following some steps and tips:

First, understanding:
Parents must know and understand the motives that made their children follow this behavior, as the reason may be the feeling of economic deprivation; Because of the lack of money that prevented the child from buying what he wants, or competing with his colleagues who have money, or the deprivation may be emotional rather than material.
Second, facing the problem:
Parents should not ignore the matter and treat it seriously, until we reach the right solution that helps to get rid of this behavior.
Third: Monitoring:
Parents should monitor their children’s behavior and behavior and also monitor themselves, because they are role models and role models for their children, in addition to teaching them good values and virtuous morals, and taking care of their material and moral needs.
Fourth: Allocating a Fixed Expense:
Parents must allocate a fixed expense for their children, albeit a small one, to help them buy their needs, so that they do not resort to theft.
Fifth: Not to defame:
Parents should not defame their child in front of his brothers and friends if it is proven that he has been stolen, and also not to call him words that injure his dignity; Such as the phrase: (O thief, or thief), but always looking for a way to treat him from this behavior with calm and poise; So as not to make him a real thief.
Sixth: Explanation of the danger and sanctity of theft:
Parents and teachers must explain to children the seriousness of the crime of theft, and its prohibition by religion and law, in easy and understandable terms.
Seventh: A relationship of love and understanding:
Close relationships must be developed and built between parents and children, in which love, understanding and freedom of expression prevail, so that children can also express their needs without hesitation or fear of their parents' responses.

Theft may occur a lot among children, but the best treatment for it is to be aware of it and deal seriously to solve it with calm and poise.