Causes and symptoms of hemorrhoids and methods of treatment
Causes and symptoms of hemorrhoids and methods of treatment 1-1242
Pregnant women often get hemorrhoids (Getty)
Most people deliberately ignore talking about some diseases, and these diseases are usually common, but they are not highlighted. Among these diseases is hemorrhoids, and he is surrounded by an aura of shame and reluctance to disclose it. A large number of adults, especially over the age of fifty, suffer from symptoms related to the presence of swollen clusters of blood vessels in their anus, or what is known
More than a third of the population has hemorrhoids in the United States. The National Library of Medicine in the United States notes that between 20 and 50 percent of the population have been exposed to hemorrhoids at some point in their lives, while the percentage is higher, according to the National Institute of Diabetes .and gastrointestinal and kidney disease (NIDDK) to more than 75 per cent. These numbers indicate that it is a common disease that affects a large group of people.

And the public health specialist, Abd al-Nasser Bashir Mustafa, points out that "hemorrhoids is a common disease, but there is almost no talk about it because of the embarrassment it causes." He told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed: “This disease is among the diseases that often require surgical intervention to remove swelling. Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels that occur in the lower rectum or anus, and cause pain. Usually these swellings spread, or intravenous cushions as they are called.” There is no clear scientific reason for how this disease occurs, but eating certain foods usually plays a role in the occurrence of these swellings, as eating spicy foods would fuel the swelling, in addition to standing for long periods, or having a family history of the disease. ".
Causes and symptoms of hemorrhoids and methods of treatment 11897
Certain foods may cause hemorrhoids (AFP)
According to a report published by the "Cleveland Clinic" medical website, stress and pressure may lead to hemorrhoids, and pregnant women are more susceptible to it than others due to the weight of pregnancy and pressure on the abdomen and pelvis. Various digestive disorders can cause rectal bleeding and symptoms similar to hemorrhoids, and some of them may lead to hemorrhoids, and for this reason they should be treated quickly.
Doctor Mustafa says: "A person can develop hemorrhoids suddenly after eating certain foods, or because of health problems such as constipation. advanced stages.

According to the American Medical Journal Webmd, there are two types of hemorrhoids, the first is internal hemorrhoids, and the second is external hemorrhoids. Blood in the stool, or in the toilet, and sometimes, due to health problems suffered by the patient, these hemorrhoids begin to come out, meaning that the swollen tissues hang outside the anus, and often cause pain when defecating.
Causes and symptoms of hemorrhoids and methods of treatment 1-1243
External hemorrhoids are located under the skin in the area around the anus, where there are many pain-sensing nerves, and their symptoms include severe pain, bleeding, strong itching, and swelling.
Hemorrhoids are usually annoying and painful, but they do not cause life-threatening problems. However, it is important to treat them so that they do not become larger and cause bacterial diseases in the anal area.

Doctor Mustafa explains: "If the hemorrhoids are internal, they can be treated at home using some medications, and it usually requires taking a hot shower and eating laxative foods, and in many cases these hemorrhoids disappear on their own without treatment, and it is also advised to drink plenty of fluids." Water, and eating more fiber within the diet.In the event that the hemorrhoids cause great pain and do not enable the patient to practice his life normally, then they are examined by the specialist doctor, and based on the symptoms and examination, the method of treatment can be chosen, either through immune drugs. or through surgical intervention.

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