!How to make your children listen to you .. Here are the 5 best tips
 !How to make your children listen to you .. Here are the 5 best tips 1987
How to get your kids to listen to you.. Here are my top 5 tips
Every mother tries to raise her children as best she can, and despite her best efforts, she finds that her children don't even listen to her.
Or they listen to her for a short period of time, and then go back to normal, causing her to have tantrums.
Here are 5 tips to get your children to listen to you, by talking to them calmly without getting angry, angry or screaming.
 !How to make your children listen to you .. Here are the 5 best tips 2599
Raising your child by making him focus on you when talking to him
Children often do not notice that people are addressing them when they are playing or having a fight. To make your child listen to you, sit in front of him.
 Put your hands gently on his shoulder, look him in the eye, and talk to him calmly, this will make him listen to you even in cases of anger.
Section the information
Try to divide the information you want your child to understand, because the brains of children under the age of 7 cannot store a large amount of information.
So divide the information for him into two parts, but if your child is over 7 years old, you can divide the information for him into three or four parts.
Make your child understand the impact of his actions on those around him
If your child doesn't know what has been wrong with you or other people, your child cannot understand their mistake, so try to make it clear that their actions can cause grief to you or others.
It will also help him learn to empathize with others, deal with them and integrate with other children better.
Raising your child by listening to him
Be a good listener to your children , and focus all of your attention with them when they are talking to you and do not interrupt them or distract you with other things, this will help strengthen the bond between the two of you.
When they do something they shouldn't do, first let them talk and explain to you what made them do it, and then you can advise them.
Make them realize the right thing to do on their own
Instead of repeating advice to your children a thousand times, ask them a question about what they should do in a given situation.
Or how they see a particular problem, it will help them remember your advice better and apply it without mentioning it to them again.
How to make your children listen to you .. Here are the 5 best tips
How to get your kids to listen to you.. Here are my top 5 tips
Every mother tries to raise her children as best she can, and despite her best efforts, she finds that her children don't even listen to her.
Or they listen to her for a short period of time, and then go back to normal, causing her to have tantrums.
Here are 5 tips to get your children to listen to you, by talking to them calmly without getting angry, angry or screaming.
 Raising your child by making him focus on you when talking to him
Children often do not notice that people are addressing them when they are playing or having a fight. To make your child listen to you, sit in front of him.
 Put your hands gently on his shoulder, look him in the eye, and talk to him calmly, this will make him listen to you even in cases of anger.
Section the information
Try to divide the information you want your child to understand, because the brains of children under the age of 7 cannot store a large amount of information.
So divide the information for him into two parts, but if your child is over 7 years old, you can divide the information for him into three or four parts.
Make your child understand the impact of his actions on those around him
If your child doesn't know what has been wrong with you or other people, your child cannot understand their mistake, so try to make it clear that their actions can cause grief to you or others.
It will also help him learn to empathize with others, deal with them and integrate with other children better.
Raising your child by listening to him
Be a good listener to your children , and focus all of your attention with them when they are talking to you and do not interrupt them or distract you with other things, this will help strengthen the bond between the two of you.
When they do something they shouldn't do, first let them talk and explain to you what made them do it, and then you can advise them.
Make them realize the right thing to do on their own
Instead of repeating advice to your children a thousand times, ask them a question about what they should do in a given situation.
Or how they see a particular problem, it will help them remember your advice better and apply it without mentioning it to them again.
