The most in-demand university majors in the future
The most in-demand university majors in the future 181
Given the rapid pace at which the world is changing and the global economy keeping pace with this change, the future of jobs will change. Many of them will disappear , as new industries and jobs will arise, and market requirements and expectations from the existing jobs will change in terms of skills and competencies. This requires people who are going to university to study diligently for the university majors that are most in demand in the labor market.
There is no doubt that it is necessary to choose a university major that you are really interested in, and to see yourself in a related profession that allows you to add something to this field. However, it is also necessary to know what specializations will be in high demand in the future labor market; To increase your chances of getting a job that pays well when you graduate, and gives you a sense of security. All this necessitated studying the job prospects and the possibilities of career growth for these disciplines in the future, in an effort to keep pace with the rapid pace of change in the world and the economy.
The results of these studies and research summarized that the most demanded jobs in the future will be in the fields of engineering and finance, and that the rapid developments in technology will have a great impact on our work and our personal lives alike.

Engineering field:
The importance of engineering and the continued demand for it as the first university major in demand in the labor market is due to the need for it in any field and any society. Where engineers provide solutions to problems and issues that may be faced by any company or organization, regardless of its field of work. Starting from the greatest innovations represented by spacecraft, passing through the field of real estate and factories, and ending with the simplest electronic application. What made engineering disciplines an inevitable necessity to achieve the continuity and development of societies, and its most important specializations are:
Informatics engineering:
It includes several disciplines that differ from one university to another and from one country to another, but in general it includes software engineering, networks, systems and artificial intelligence. Software engineering is concerned with building software applications. While artificial intelligence specializes in making the machine simulate human mental abilities and patterns of work. As for network and systems engineering, it is concerned with computer networks, their engineering and security.
Informatics engineering is one of the most important university majors that the world is turning to studying, and the demand for it in the labor market is constantly increasing, due to the technology revolution we live in and the entry of technologies into all aspects of our lives. Where we find the spread of information specializations among the best professions in the world. In fact, the profession of software developer ranked first, followed by computer systems analyst.
Biomedical Engineering:
It is the profession that connects man to machines with the aim of improving his life. To this end, using the latest advanced technologies. With medical engineering, students will learn about the human body and the different systems that interact and work together to maintain good health. In addition, they will study the latest advances in technology and its potential to treat individuals with various health problems. From joint replacements to defibrillators, students will learn how to apply technological advances to enable people to live healthier lives.

Chemical Engineering:
Chemical engineering offers its students a wide range of potential careers and industries. A holder of this degree may work in the design of safe and sustainable facilities and plants that are used to create different chemical products. They can also work on developing chemotherapies and vaccines for the medical field, or they can use their education to learn more about producing environmentally friendly plastics and alternative energy sources.
Computer and Automation Engineering:
Computer engineering and automation is concerned with studying the hardware parts of a computer and how they work and develop, in addition to a number of programming languages. Holders of this certificate work in various fields, including: designing computing systems and electronic chips, programming computer networks, database applications, building and programming industrial networks, in addition to designing various control systems and database applications.
Electron and Communication Engineering:
It is the engineering that secures the means of communication between people. It is responsible for developing designs and operational plans for satellite, terrestrial and cellular communications networks. Communications engineering provides a wide range of professions and jobs for its graduates. A communications engineer may work in telecommunications companies as a designer of wireless communication networks, or an engineer in Internet servers or television stations.
Biotechnology engineering (genetic engineering):
It is the engineering in which technology is combined with biology. It is the most advanced technological science today. It is an applied science that aims to find, develop and use various biological and molecular techniques to bring about desirable genetic changes in living organisms, based on the scientific method. It has proven its importance in the current COVID-19 pandemic. Also, a lot of previous scientific research has played a role in finding new practical applications that served humanity, such as the discovery of DNA and the role it played in determining genetic fingerprinting and testing for genetic diseases.
Job opportunities for holders of this certificate include many diverse fields such as: genetic therapy, genetic engineering , immunological techniques and applications, stem cell technologies, and others.
civil engineering:
It's old engineering and it's here to stay. The reason for this is due to society's constant need to plan and develop civic projects such as cities, roads and bridges that will sustain humanity. However, the size of this need and the required number of civil engineering graduates may differ from one country to another depending on various factors. The market situation in the country in which it is located must be taken into consideration.

Finance field:
Based on the modern trends we see today, due to the dominance of automated systems, robotics, and artificial intelligence that improve business operations, commitment to a job in finance is no longer enough to guarantee lifelong job security. However, some jobs cannot be dispensed with and are articulated and continuous with the continuation of commercial and industrial activities. Below we review the most important ones:
Financial analysis:
Financial analysis is one of the most important vital functions in various institutions. His job is to collect the financial data and information derived from the company’s financial statements and subject it to a detailed and accurate study that shows the level of the facility’s performance and helps in enacting future financial plans and policies. Academic Qualifications Required for the position of Financial Analyst Bachelor's degree in Accounting or Financial Management.
Email Marketing :
The abundance of mobile phones and the spread of devices connected to the Internet led to the phenomenon of electronic shopping, which has become an inevitable trend in all institutions. Indeed, the company's lack of electronic presence is a dangerous indicator and one of the obstacles to its growth. This field has expanded to include many positions such as Digital Brand Manager, Digital Marketing Manager, SEO Manager and Social Media Marketing Manager . The academic qualifications required for this field are a Bachelor of Commerce with a specialization in Marketing, and there are training courses available on educational platforms specialized in all types of e-marketing.
Human resource management is one of the most important administrative processes in the organization, as it is based on managing the workforce in organizations and establishments. The duties of a human resource manager include attracting employees, selecting candidates, training, evaluating, rewarding, motivating employees and verifying compliance with labor laws. The human resource manager is the link between the organization and the employees. While many organizations do not focus on the university qualifications required of a human resource manager, a set of practical skills are necessary to fill this position, such as the ability to solve problems, emotional intelligence, the ability to deal with different types of people, and leadership skills.
Business Management:
A degree in business administration opens up many job opportunities for its holders. Because every company and economic activity needs a group of successful administrators. Positions that may be held by this certification holders are varied and include Human Resources Manager, Production Manager, Sales Manager, Purchasing Manager, Small Business Manager and Executive Director. The most important personality traits of a manager in these areas are leadership personality, ability to persuade, ability to solve problems and make decisions and good communication skills.

Technology field:
Technology and its technologies are developing and growing dramatically in light of the digital revolution , which has increased the demand for employees in various technology fields. It is expected that it will continue in the future at a greater rate. The reason for this is that our lives depend heavily on artificial intelligence, new innovations in information technology and automation. Which created new fields and required new jobs that did not exist.
Among the most important of these areas:
Getting a degree or certificate online is easy. Travel is no longer required for those wishing to study at foreign universities. All they need is an internet connection to access lessons and study materials, a computer and a suite of software that makes distance learning easy. Online learning has been quickly adopted due to its wide reach, and the many benefits it offers. Moreover, its popularity has increased in the recent period as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
E-learning offers two types of jobs. Jobs related to technical disciplines capable of building educational platforms from programmers, website designers and technicians. And jobs related to the educational content that will be provided by current teachers who wish to keep pace with this development and enter the field of distance education.
The Internet of things:
The world has recently witnessed a rapid growth in the number of devices connected to the Internet. The term “ Internet of Things ” refers to the interaction of devices with each other through their connection to the Internet. To manage these Internet-connected products, an Internet-based environment called The cloud of things has been created. Cloud computing manages various applications of the Internet of Things ranging from increasingly complex home automation applications to interconnected smart cities.
While the specialization of the Internet of Things exists in some countries, it is not directly found in most Arab countries, but these are the specializations that may be established for this field: computer and automation engineering, informatics engineering and automatic control engineering.
Jobs in this field range from data experts, data analysts, and big data experts (learn the difference between them here). In general, these disciplines are based on the study, analysis, arrangement and presentation of data in the form of reports and visual presentations that present an understandable language, which helps decision makers to make logical decisions based on a thoughtful scientific basis. Known as one of the fastest growing fields in the world, this science employs business data analysts and data scientists in various types of companies to increase the competitiveness and profitability of any company. With its good use of data analytics, large digital companies like Amazon have outpaced traditional companies and revolutionized industries. These disciplines may not be found directly in many Arab universities, but studying some disciplines such as mathematics, computer science and statistics may help to start in this field. Also, many online platforms today offer training courses in the field of data analysis and big data.
graphic design:
The increasing need and demand for graphic designers today, due to the increased demand for e-marketing. Almost no company today has a designer or group of designers working full-time, part-time, or even remotely. The task of the graphic designer is to organize and coordinate a set of elements (images - writings - shapes - colors...etc) according to the design principles, to produce works that are considered an art of visual arts, with the aim of conveying a specific message in a simple and effective way. Specializing in this field by studying the specialization of fine arts at the university. It is also possible to rely on self-learning that is enabled by a group of Arab electronic platforms, or by joining educational courses for programs that depend on it, such as: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign and others.
Dear student, the names of some specializations in your country may differ from those mentioned in the article, please do some research on what corresponds to the mentioned specialization in your country. How much the demand in the labor market in your country may push you to other specializations that were not mentioned in the article that dealt with the requirements of the Arab and global markets in general. The Majors Guide will help you learn more about these branches.
We wish you success in whatever specialty you choose.