? The nine types of intelligence .. How do you know your own style
? The nine types of intelligence .. How do you know your own style 184
You contemplate and question yourself, after a great epic between you and a colleague on the chessboard. How did you beat me? And nodding your head sure, he must be smarter than me. And here, dear reader, we want to tell you that no one is smarter than you, you are smart, but you do not know what your style is yet, there are the nine types of intelligence, intelligence is not confined to one context only. In this article, we will put in front of you the nine types of it, so find your type, and compete with your friend with it.
Multiple intelligences theory
The theory of multiple intelligences appeared in 1983, when American psychologist and Harvard professor Howard Gardner put it forward, in his book Frames of Mind. According to the book, mental intelligence or the so-called intelligence quotient (IQ) does not reflect a person's mental ability and capabilities, and Howard identified nine types of intelligence, through which it is possible to differentiate between the different ability of children. Each individual has a unique combination of these patterns, which all overlap in everyday life.
This theory rejects traditional intelligence tests because they do not do justice to everyone, considering that each of us has a special pattern. As Gardner considers that we all have certain strengths and skills that distinguish us from each other, and on this basis Gardner built his theory.
The nine styles of intelligence and how to define your own style
We will now look at the nine types of intelligence, and the following ones focus on a specific aspect of a skill or ability. Dear reader, you will be able to find your own style through the existing features and features. At the end of each pattern, you will find several questions that you have to answer. If most of your answers are "yes," you probably hit your pattern.
Visual-spatial intelligence
It means the ability to mentally visualize the visual and spatial world with very good accuracy, and to use this ability in an integrated manner in solving problems, self-expression and the breadth of creative thought. Thus, the owners of this style are distinguished by their excellent reading of maps and solving labyrinth games, as they are creative in drawing, sculpting, etc., and therefore it is the style of painters, sculptors, designers and architects.
? Are you good at reading maps
? Do you rarely get lost
? Do you consider that you have a wide imagination
? Can you visualize the movement of objects well
Verbal-linguistic intelligence
It means sensitivity to sounds, rhythms, word meanings, the different functions of language and the ability to make proficient use of writing and oral expression. This is evident in those who like to write articles and use language comprehension skills, debates, dialogues, poetry and creative writing, in addition to those who have humor based on the word, so we see it in poets and writers.
? Are you a good communicator
? Do you have the ability to explain stories distinctly
? Do you like writing
? Is your ability to save distinctive
? Do you organize poems and poems
Logical-mathematical intelligence
It means the ability to perceive and deductive reasoning “inductive reasoning”, inductive and mathematical analysis, and it is manifested in those who have the ability to research and discover patterns and processes of problem solving, skills and arithmetic operations. This pattern appears among scientists, professors of mathematics and sciences, those interested in programming, and accountants.
? Do you have a good level in mathematics
? Are you distinguished from others in solving mental problems
? Are your solutions to problems working
bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
It means the ability to use the body distinctly in showing performance and expressing thoughts and feelings. People with this ability are good controllers of their bodies with perfect body control, coordination between visual and kinesthetics, flexibility and balance. We see this pattern in athletes such as football players, dancers, and even surgeons.

? Do you think that you are special in dance and sports
? Do you see that your control of your body movements is distinct from those around you
? Do you feel conscious of your movements, i.e. applying the movements as your mind sees them
? Is there coordination between what you see and what you do
? Can you balance well
Musical-rhythmic intelligence
It is described as the ability to perceive different types of rhythms, tonal patterns and degrees, to perform and compose music, as well as to analyze, compose, and all forms of musical expression, respond to them, and react to their effects. We see it when music lovers and musicians.
? Can you identify the song by the intro music
? Do you enjoy listening to different styles of music
? Do those around you describe you as a musician
? Do you play a particular instrument
interpersonal intelligence
It is the ability of a person to perceive his inner feelings and the domain of his emotions, and is manifested in those who have a strong will and a strong sense of ego, in addition to a love of individual work and avoidance of group activities. They are aware of their own thought processes, and reinforce them with the practice of meditations. We see it among philosophers, psychologists, and clergymen, as well as psychiatrists.
? Do you meditate a lot
? Do you spend a lot of time daydreaming
? Can you realize how you feel
? Do those around you describe you as reflective and self-aware
communicative intelligence
We describe it as the ability to understand people and realize their temperaments, motives, as well as read their intentions by noticing changes in voice, gestures, and facial expressions, and thus those with this intelligence are able to establish relationships well, in addition to the distinctive ability to work collaboratively, conduct discussions and appreciate other cultures. We see it in political leaders, merchants, diplomats, and teachers.
? Are you responsible for reconciliation between your comrades
? Do you find yourself sympathetic
? Can you translate body language well
? Can you tell what the other person is thinking or feeling without asking
? Do you deal well with the feelings of others
These above-mentioned patterns are found in the book Frames of Mind , but Howard discussed other patterns that fit his theory, and decided to add two of them, namely, natural and educational intelligence.
natural intelligence
It means sensitivity to the natural environment as well as an innate curiosity in exploring the natural world, and the ability to understand natural beings in their various forms. Those who are characterized by this intelligence have a great love for nature, animals and plants, which is affected by fluctuations in the weather and changes in the seasons. We see this pattern when zoologists and plants.
? Do you find nature a comfortable place for you
? Do you enjoy spending time among the trees and flowers
? Do you notice subtle changes in the environment
? Do you have any interest in raising pets
educational intelligence
It means the ability to simplify, direct and transfer information to the other party in an easy and correct manner, and therefore the owners of this ability have several skills that enable them to explain and communicate information without any effort, fatigue or repetition. We see this pattern in distinguished teachers and owners of popular channels on YouTube.
? Do you enjoy teaching those around you
? Do those around you describe you as fast in conveying information
? Do you find that you have multiple ways of communicating information
Criticism of the theory of multiple intelligences
This theory, with its nine multiple types of intelligence, has received a large wave of criticism, as researchers have found that calling these mental, musical and physical skills intelligence is a rather loose description, and it does not increase our understanding, but rather makes it more complex. Had Gardner called it skills, it would have been more successful, as the motivation behind it is social rather than scientific. On the other hand, naming people with one of the types of intelligence may make them confined to thinking in this field and find themselves only in it. And as we know that a person is intelligent or even super-intelligent, it is not necessary to provide for him a living.
The series of criticisms did not end, as Professor of Psychology Carol Dweck added a criticism that touches the basis of Gardner's theory. Intelligence is innate without any effect of action and practice, and here comes the weak point of the theory that undermines any effort to acquire the skill. The last problem that we will address is the weak evidence and empirical research on the subject, as the theory has not been supported by multiple experiments.
In the end, our constant search for what distinguishes us may be a waste of time. The things we are not good at can be mastered by education and continuous work. If you, my dear, have lost this round of chess, all you have to do is practice and practice in order to win the war with your friend.
