Moroccans of the world visit the Amazigh channels
Moroccans of the world visit the Amazigh channels 1330
On Tuesday, August 9, 2022, the National Radio and Television Company received, with the interests of the Amazigh channels (Berber Radio and “Tamazight” channel), representatives of the associations of the Moroccans of the world, within the framework of the activities of the second day of the open doors of the National Radio and Television Company for the benefit of the Moroccan community residing abroad, organized in honor of National Immigrant Day.
This activity aims, according to the company’s statement, to communicate and strengthen ties with these events and associations, which play important roles in keeping pace with and framing the Moroccans of the world and supporting their connection with their country of origin, by bringing them closer to the scenes of the business and efforts undertaken by the Amazigh radio and the TV channel “Tamazight” in order to embody The commitment of this public facility to contribute to the valorization and dissemination of the Amazigh culture and language.
According to the same source, the participants were acquainted with the work carried out by Channel 8 in implementing its commitments related to the programs dedicated to Moroccans living abroad, through which it aims to address issues of public affairs that concern the Moroccans of the world and their participation, taking into account the cultural, social and field diversity that distinguishes them, in addition to its efforts to In order to integrate the Amazigh-speaking Moroccan citizen into the audio-visual media, as well as to consolidate the presence of the Amazigh culture and language among non-Berber-speaking Moroccans, as well as to encourage Amazigh creativity in various arts, knowledge and sciences.